





seen[si:n]adj. 看得見的v. 看見;理解(see的過去分詞)


seen 看見;看到;已看過;見國;ve seen 多少次我看見;readily seen 清楚的,顯而易見的;容易看見;Jazz Seen 捕捉爵士;可見的爵士;Already Seen 曾經見過;已經見過;曾經見過;


1.Have you seen my glasses case? 你看見我的眼鏡盒了嗎?

2.Have you seen my wig around? 你可有看見我那頂假髮?

3.We looked around to see if anyone had seen us. 我們環顧四周看看是否有人看見了我們。


I've never seen anyone as strict as my boss. - 我就沒見過像我們老闆這麼嚴厲的人。

Haven't I seen you before? - 我以前沒見過你嗎?

I've seen pictures of him. - 我見過他的照片。

I've seen you in it. - 我曾見過你那身打扮。

You should have seen the look on his face - 真該看看他臉上的表情

I've never seen you so wound up. - 我從來沒有看過你這麼緊張。

I haven't seen you since the hospital. - 自從醫院相遇之後再也沒有見到你。

Of course. I've seen you on television. - 當然。我在電視上看見過你。

Never in my life have I seen such a mess! - 我這輩子沒見過這麼亂的地方。

I've seen a lot of people wearing runners lately. I guess they're back in fashion. - 最近我看到很多人穿上了披肩,我看是不是披肩又流行起來了?

I haven't seen you for a long time. - 很久沒見了。

I think I've seen you before, You look very familiar. - 我想我以前在哪裡見過你,你看起來非常面熟。

It's a shame I haven't seen more of you these recent years. - 真遺憾,最近幾年我未能見到你。

Have you ever seen anyone so fond of dancing. - 你見過有誰愛跳舞嗎?

I haven't seen you for ages. - 好久沒見了。

Now that I've seen how he lives, I know why he needs so much money. - 看過了他的生活狀態,我現在才知道他為什麼需要那麼多錢。

Have you seen Mr. Smith recently? - 最近你見過史密斯先生嗎?

Have you seen the doctor? - 你看過醫生了嗎?

Would he have seen you if you hadn't waved to him? - 如果你沒向他招手他會看見你嗎?

I haven't seen you for age. You haven't been sick, have you? - 好久不見。你不是病了吧?

I haven't seen you for a long time. - 好久沒有見到你了。

You look more rested than I've seen you before. - 你比上次我看到你的時候精神多了。

I had never seen a grown man break down and cry. - 我從未曾看到過一個這麼強壯的漢子痛哭失聲。

A spot is most seen on the finest cloth. - 最清潔的布上,污點特別顯眼。

The moon is not seen where the sun shines. - 小巫見大巫。

You ain't seen nothing yet! - 好戲還在後頭呢!

What are you looking at? Never seen this before. - 看什麼看?沒看過啊!

I don't know where I've seen him before. - 我不曉得在哪兒見過他。

I have never seen the movie. - 我從未看過那部電影。

I haven't seen you for ages. - 我好久沒見到你了。

Oh, I've already seen it.I saw it on television last year. - 噢,我已看過了。我是去年在電視上看的。

Yesterday my husband removed the gate and Rex got so annoyed we have not seen him since. - 昨天,我丈夫把門卸了下來,雷克斯很生氣,此後我們便再也沒有見到它。

It was no use pretending that I had not seen him, so I waved to him. - 若再裝作沒看見他已是沒有用了,我只好向他招手。

Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea. - 漁夫和水手們有時聲稱自己看到過海裡的妖怪。

Such creatures have rarely been seen alive by man as they live at a depth of six hundred feet. - 人們很少能看到活著的這類動物,因為它們生活在600英尺深的水下。

This is a moving spectacle, for crowds of people stand on the shore watching the lanterns drifting away until they can be seen no more. - 這是一個感人的場面,人們成群地佇立在海岸上,注視著燈籠遠去,直到再也看不見為止。

for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar. - 因為凡是聲稱見到過美洲獅的人們所描述的情況竟是出奇地相似。

Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes. - 在許多地方看見爪印,灌木叢中發現了粘在上面的美洲獅毛。

The idea that modern art can only be seen in museums is mistaken. - 那種認為現代藝術只能在博物館裡才能看到的觀點是錯誤的。

One of the most famous sailing ships of the nineteenth century, the Cutty Sark, can still be seen at Greewich. - 人們在格林威治仍可看到19世紀最有名的帆船之一「卡蒂薩克」號。

A farm worker, who stayed up all night claimed to have seen a figure cutting corn in the moonlight. - 有一個徹夜未眠的雇工還聲稱他看見一個人影在月光下收割莊稼。

From those humble beginnings, we have seen the development of the user-friendly home computers and multimedia machines which are in common use today. - 從那些簡陋的初級階段,我們看到了現在都已普及的、使用簡便的家用電腦和多媒體的微機的發展。

from which can be seen the strata the drill has been cutting through. - 從中能看出鑽頭所鑽透的地層。

Almost any day a young porpoise may be seen trying to turn a 300-pound sea turtle over by sticking his snout under the edge of his shell and pushing up for dear life. - 幾乎每天都可以看到一隻小海豚把鼻子頂入一隻300磅重的海龜的硬殼下面,拚命地把它翻過來。

she presented a more majestic spectacle than Stockholmers had ever seen before. - 瓦薩號展現的壯觀景像是斯德哥爾摩人從未見過的。

and he had seen there evidence enough to overthrow Aristotle and Ptolemy together. - 觀察到的論據足以把亞里士多德和托勒密一起推翻。

Have you seen our new packing specifications? - 你看過我們新的包裝指示了沒有?

Have you seen this article in the paper? - 你在報上看到過這篇文章嗎?

I love this movie. I have seen it ten times. - 我太喜歡這片子了!看了十遍了,我!

I've lost my science book. Have you seen it anywhere? - 我的自然科學書丟了。你在哪看見了嗎?


often seen in cases with - 多屬於

rhinorrhea with turbid discharge; sometimes seen in nasal sinusitis - 鼻淵


n.多屬於 - often seen in cases with

n.鼻淵 - sometimes seen in nasal sinusitis

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