





v. appear ,look


seems[si:m]vi. 似乎;像是;裝作


seems 好像;似的;似乎;seems not 幾乎不;Seems finally 終於;seems like 好像;看起來;相似;it seems 看來是,;看起來;看來是;看來;


1.It seems that light energy will be an important subject of scientific research in the future. 看來,在未來的年代裡,光能是科學研究的重要課題。

2.But his figure seems too low. 但他的數字似乎太低了。

3.He seems as busy as ever. 他似乎和往常一般忙碌。


It seems to me I scheduled something else. - 好像我還安排了什麼別的事情。

I mean, there seems to be something to celebrate all the year round. - 我的意思是,好像一年到頭都要忙著慶祝似的。

It seems I owe you an apology. - 好像我該向你道個歉。

It seems so simple now. - 現在事情顯得很簡單了。

The office seems so far away. - 辦公室好像變得那麼遙遠。

An economic recession now seems more than likely. - 現在看來,經濟衰退的可能性相當大。

I'm sorry to say this, but there seems to be a mistake. - 對不起,這兒好像有個錯。

In these modern times, almose anything is possible, nothing seems to be beyond the reach of science. - 在這個現代社會裡,幾乎所有的事情都有可能會發生,似乎沒有任何事情是科學解決不了的。

That naughty boy seems to tell his family too many lies. - 這個頑皮的小男孩似乎對家人說了很多謊。

The gap between the poor and the rich seems to be growing every day. - 貧富懸殊好像與日俱增。

He always seems such a happy guy. - 他似乎永遠是個快樂的人。

He's a pretty good bloke and he seems very friendly. - 他是一個很不錯的傢伙,看起來也很友善。

He seems to be getting on very well at school. - 他在學校似乎過得很好。

She seems to have no principles at all when it is a question of making money. - 一碰到掙錢的事,她就好像完全不顧自己的人格了。

Looking back, it seems like a very short five years living here and working together with you. - 回顧一下,在這裡和大家一起工作的五年看起來是那麼短暫。

She seems fond of him. - 她似乎喜歡他。

It seems you are not very patient with me, Ruth. - 露絲,你似乎對我不太有耐心。

Harmony in the department seems to emerge as a result of mutual trust and respect between myself and my staff. - 部門和諧的形成有賴於我和我的員工之間彼此信任和尊重。

What we can't get seems better than what we have. - 人們得不到的好像比所擁有的要好。[九六全國高考]

The way you look at it seems to be quite different from the way I look at it. - 你的看法和我的似乎不太相同。

Do whatever seems best. - 只要察覺出是最好的,就去做。

It seems to be the best solution. - 這似乎是最好的解決辦法。

He seems very serious, but in fact he has a delightful sense of humor. - 他看上去很嚴肅,其實很詼諧。

Your work seems not satisfactory. - 你的工作看起來並不令人滿意。

The waiter seems to be in a hurry to take our order. - 侍者似乎匆匆忙忙拿我們的訂單。

He seems to have a lot of strange ideas. - 他似乎有很多奇怪的想法。

The phone seems to be out of order. - 電話好像出故障了。

Your unit price seems fair enough, but we're hoping for a higher discount rate. - 單價似乎合理,但我們希望給予更高的折扣率。

That seems quite soon considering the nature of the product and shipping time. - 考慮到產品的性質和運輸時間那看來太快了。

It seems to be clearing up. - 看來天要放晴了。

It seems like I always have bills to pay and he never has any! - 我看來好像老是有賬單,然而他卻完全沒有。

I guess you're right. It seems I'll be grounded. - 我想你說得對,我看我該轉到地勤了。

He seems to be the most muscular guy. - 他看起來似乎最魁偉。

The man mines coal where day seems like night. - 這個人在即便是白天也猶如晚上的地方開採煤炭。

It seems as if it's going to rain. - 看起來天好像要下雨。

It seems doesn't understand. - 看起來他好像不瞭解。

It seems he has a lot of bright ideas. - 看起來他好像有很多聰明意見。

It seems he has a lot of funny ideas. - 看起來他好像有很多有趣建議。

It seems he has a lot of peculiar ideas. - 看起來他好像有很多獨特意見。

It seems he has a lot of strange ideas. - 看起來他好像有很多奇怪意見。

It seems he knows everything. - 看起來他好像知道一切事情。

It seems he's a millionaire. - 看起來他好像是百萬富翁。

It seems he's afraid. - 看起來他好像很害怕。

It seems he's disappointed. - 看起來他好像很失望。

It seems he's famous. - 看起來他好像很出名。

It seems he's generous. - 看起來他好像很大方。

It seems he's handsome. - 看起來他好像很英俊。

It seems he's interested. - 看起來他好像很有趣。

It seems he's lucky. - 看起來他好像很幸運。

It seems he's making plenty of money. - 看起來他好像賺很多錢。

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