warm hearted 熱心:;get warm got warm 激昂起來;get warm got warm 激昂起來;broken-hearted brokenhearted 心碎的;upright guileless ingenuous pure-hearted righteous righthearted 正直的;
1.The mean-hearted artist cannot produce a great painting, and a big-hearted artist cannot produce a mean picture, even if his life were at stake. 心地卑劣的藝術家縱使生命發生危險,也不能產生偉大的繪畫,心胸偉大的藝術家縱使生命發生危險,也不能產生''。'下'。''''。'劣'。''的繪畫。
2.The zooplankton community in spring had warm-temperate offshore characteristics, and warm-temperate offshore, coastal lower saline and warm-water eurytopic characteristics in autumn. 秋季浮游動物群落是屬於暖溫帶近海-近岸低鹽-暖水性廣佈類群所構成的群落;
3.Provide warm beverages. If the affected person is alert and is able to swallow, have the person drink a warm, nonalcoholic beverage to help warm the body. 提供熱的飲料。如果患者情況比較危急並且他能進行吞嚥,那麼應提供一些熱的不含有酒精的飲料給他來幫助他保持體溫。
4.The zooplankton community in spring had warm-temperate offshore characteristics, and warm-temperate offshore, coastal lower saline and warm-water eurytopic characteristics in autumn. 秋季浮游動物群落是屬於暖溫帶近海-近岸低鹽-暖水性廣佈類群所構成的群落;
5.I am a simple girl and sincere…warm and gracious…kind-hearted and honest. approachable, caring, likes beastie and enjoy viewing the plant and flowers growth and like nature. 我是一個誠實善良和乖巧的女孩,單純,誠實,平易近人有愛心,喜歡小動物,喜歡觀賞花草植物生長。我喜歡唱歌聽音樂,也喜歡旅遊和運動。喜歡打自然。