





n. fry ,kid ,nestling ,nippera. modest ,nonaged ,underage ,venial


a. major


Minor['mainə]adj. 未成年的;次要的;較小的;[音]小調的;二流的n. 未成年人;小調;副修科目vi. 副修


minor 副修;輔修;(副修科目):學生學習時集中攻讀程度僅次於主修科目的學科或專業領域。;未成年人;minor defect 次要缺陷;小疵;微小疵點;小疵,輕微疵點,[粵]細雞;Leo Minor 小獅座;minor ingredient 輔料;Canis Minor 小犬座;小犬星座;小犬;地獄犬座;


1.What are your major subject and minor subjects? 你的主修科目和輔修科目是什麼?

2.Yes , let me see, I think you are probably minor food poisoning. 是這樣啊,讓我看看,我想你大概是輕微的食物中毒。

3.Ideas and thoughts, major or minor, correct or not were all aired without reservation. 意見和想法,主要的還是次要的,正確的或不都播出無保留地。


What are your major and minor subjects? - 你主修和副修什麼科目?

I major in English and minor in French. - 我主修英語,副修法語。

The doctor said it's just a minor burn, There's nothing to worry about. - 醫生說只是輕微燒傷,不需要擔心。

As far as I could see, it needed only a minor adjustment: a turn of a screw here, a little tightening up there, a drop of oil and it would be as good as new. - 在我看來,只需稍加調整即可。這兒緊緊螺絲,那兒固定一下,再加幾滴油,就會像新的一樣了。


minor duodenal papilla; papilla duodeni minor - 十二指腸小乳頭

musculus teres minor; teres minor muscle - 小圓肌

minor hysterotomy - 小型剖宮術

minor microvascular surgical instruments set - 小型徽血管外科手術器械包

minor operation - 小手術

minor prescription - 小方

minor groove; shallow groove - 小溝

minor coil; minor spiral - 小螺旋

a minor mistake; minor mistake in treatment - 小逆

minor gene - 微效基因

minor tremor - 微細顫動

microelement; minor element; trace element; trace elemment - 微量元素

minor fconstituent - 次要成分

minor antigen - 次要抗原

minor hypnotism - 淺催眠狀態

miner sublingual duct; minor sublingual duct; walthers duct - 瓦爾特氏管

minor axis - 短軸

minor base; odd base; rare base - 稀有鹼基

plastic minor clamp - 精細鑷形鑷

calices renales minores; minor renal calices - 腎小盞

ductus sublinguales minores; minor sublingual ducts - 舌下腺小管

ala minor ossis sphenoidalis; small wing of sphenoid bone - 蝶骨小翼

minor thalassemia - 輕型地中海貧血

minor epilepsy - 輕微的羊癇瘋

minor pathergasias; minor psychoses - 輕性精神病

minor bacteriophage - 較小噬菌體


n.小逆 - a minor mistake

n.小翼 - ala minor

n.蝶骨小翼 - ala minor ossis sphenoidalis

n.虹膜小環 - anulus iridis minor

小鼓室手術 - cavum minor operation

n.西登哈姆氏舞蹈,西登哈姆氏舞蹈病 - chorea minor

小虹膜動脈環 - circulus arteriosus iridis minor

n.虹膜動脈小環,虹膜小動脈環 - circulus arteriosus iridis minor

胃小彎 - curvatura ventriculi minor

n.胃小彎 - curvatura veutriculi minor

胼胝體輻射線額部 - forceps minor

小發作性癔病,輕癔病 - hysteria minor

骨盆下口,小骨盆下口 - inferior aperture of minor pelvis

n.小兔唇蛔蟲 - lagochilascaris minor

n.小型熱帶利什曼蟲 - leishmania tropica minor

n.胸小肌 - musculus pectoralis minor

n.腰小肌 - musculus psoas minor

n.小菱形肌 - musculus rhomboideus minor

n.小圓肌 - musculus teres minor

n.顴小肌 - musculus zygomaticus minor

n.枕小神經 - nervus occipitalis minor

n.巖小神經 - nervus petrosus minor

n.內臟小神經 - nervus splanchnicus minor

n.十二指腸小乳頭 - papilla duodeni minor

小胸肌 - pectoralis minor muscle

n.小骨盆 - pelvis minor

n.輕鼠疫 - pestis minor

n.精細鑷形鑷 - plastic minor clamp

肺小間裂 - pulmonary minor fissure

n.鼓小棘 - spina tympanica minor

n.鼠咬熱小螺菌 - spirillum minor

夏小病 - summer minor illness

小盆腔上口,小骨盆下口 - superior aperture of minor pelvis

n.小圓肌 - teres minor muscle

輕型地中海貧血 - thalassemia minor

n.類天花,類天花病毒 - variola minor

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