spawnern. 已成熟的雌魚
spawner 產卵魚;產卵魚, 母魚;產卵魚(或蝦、蟹等), 已成熟的雌魚;產卵魚群;demersal spawner 產沉性卵的魚;partial spawner 部份產卵者;batch spawner 分批產卵;spawner female 產卵魚;雌魚;
1.pelagic spawner A species that sheds pelagic eggs into the water column at the peak of a conspicuous spawning ascent. 浮性產卵魚在產卵時衝向水層,在最高點時升至顯著高峰期時,將浮性卵排入水體的魚種。
2.spawner-to-spawner ratio An estimate of the number of spawners in one generation produced by the previous generation of spawners. 產卵魚-到-產卵魚比由前一個產卵魚的世代所產生的一個產卵魚世代的數量估計。
3.spawner-recruit relationship The number of young fish or recruits entering a population is related to the number of parents or spawners. 產卵魚-入添魚的關係幼魚的數目或進入一個族群的入添魚是與父母或產卵魚的數量有關的。