to-be[tə'bi:]adj. 未來的;即將的
to-be 未來的;未來狀態;Inspecting to-be 待驗區;couple-to-be 未婚夫妻;motIT-to-be 准母親;parents-to-be 准父母;
1."To my fellow citizens-to-be, we believe in free speech in the United States of America, " Bush said to hearty applause. 「即將成為美國民眾的同胞們,美國是信奉自由言論的國度」。布什這一表述受到了陣陣熱烈的掌聲。
2.Mother-to-be and children receive special benefits such as free milk or certain foodstuffs for which only a minimum charge is made. 孕婦和孩子有特殊的福利待遇,如領取免費牛奶,或只需付最低價錢就可以買到某些食品。
3.As a handicraft generally made by women, nearly every native girl, in the past, mastered the craftsmanship, which was even used for selection of brides-to-be. 通常是婦女掌握這項手工藝而且在古時候幾乎每個女孩子都要會這個手藝,有時甚至還以此作為選擇新娘的標準。