





r. not yet


already[ɔ:l'redi]adv. 已經,早已;先前


already 已經;早已,已經;業經;已經:;Already Seen 曾經見過;已經見過;曾經見過;already exhausted 已盡;Enough Already 足夠已經圖片;already underway 已經進行;


1.I can smell the fresh air already. 我已經可以聞到新鮮的空氣。

2.We are late already. 現在就已經晚了。

3.She was already in bed, but I woke her up anyway. 當時她已經**睡了,但我無論如何還是叫醒了她。


We're already scheduled elsewhere. - 我們已經有其他安排了。

Oh, no sir. We already gave you a discount on each item. - 哦,不行,先生。每一件東西我們都給你打過折扣了。

Sorry, I've already got plans. - 對不起, 我有事。

Do you already have a boyfriend? - 你已經有男朋友了嗎?

and you don't already own any property, - 而你們又沒有擁有其他財產

Mom and Dad are already on their way down to the gallery. - 媽媽和爸爸已經出發去畫廊了。

We have already conceded, it's in your hands now. - 我已經做出讓步,現在決定權在你手中。

The area of industry you wanted to get into is already at saturation point. - 你想進入的待業已經達到飽和點了。

The old couple has already been married for fifty years. - 那對老夫妻結婚已經 50 年了。

That means the child is already one year older. - 那意 味著孩子又長大了一歲。

And it may get colder, it's already November. - 並且天氣會更冷。

Mike is already a junior. - 邁克已經大學三年級了。

He already has a phonograph,but he doesn't have a radio yet. - 他已經有一架留聲機,但是他還沒有收音機。

I've already read that book. - 我已經讀了那本書。

By the time we got there,the play had already begun. - 等我們到那裡,戲已經開始了。

They've already turned on the electricity.The house is ready. - 他們已經開了電.房子是準備好了的。

Sorry, they are already full. - 抱歉,全部滿了。

He has left already . - 他已經離開了。

We've already had a big demand for this product. - 這種產品我們已有很大的需要求量。

You've already quoted a price of $ 800 per 1,000. Is there a discount for larger orders? - 你報的價是每1000個要美金800元,如大量訂購有折扣嗎?

It's already in production, so you can expect it in stores before the end of the month. - 產品已投產了,所以月底前你可以獲得。

I wish I could, but it's already late. - 我是想多呆一會兒,但是時間已經很晚了。

The builders are already making plans. - 建築家們已經在著手計劃了。

No, thank you. Tom.I've already had lunch. - 不,湯姆,謝謝。我已經吃過飯了。

I don't know.I've already had my holiday this year. - 我不知道。今年我已度過假了。

Oh, I've already seen it.I saw it on television last year. - 噢,我已看過了。我是去年在電視上看的。

He's only forty-one years old, and he has already been to nearly every country in the world. - 他只有41歲,但他卻過世界上幾乎每一個國家。

Tommy had already swallowed them! - 湯米已經把硬幣嚥了下去!

He turned on the light, but he couldn't see anyone. The thieves had already gone. - 他開了燈,但不見一個人。小偷逃走了。

Tim is an engineer.He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia. - 蒂姆是個工程師,正在一家大公司工作,並且已經去過澳大利亞的不少地方了。

Twenty people had already left. - 有20個人已經離去。

Many villagers believe that the tree has already claimed a number of victims. - 很多村民相信此樹已經害了不少人。

By then, however, in many places the grass had already taken root. - 然而到那時,很多地方的草已經生了根。

for five of her sixteen watertight compartments had already been flooded! - 16個密封艙已有5個進水。

At this, the police pointed out ironically that this would hardly be necessary as the men were already under arrest. - 警察聽後譏諷地說,這大可不必,因為他倆已被逮捕了。

The price we pay for cheap food may be already too high: Mad Cow Disease (BSE) in cattle, salmonella in chicken and eggs, and wisteria in dairy products. - 牛肉中的瘋牛病,雞肉和雞蛋中的沙門氏菌,奶製品中的利斯特桿菌。

By 12.01, those fluctuations will already have created small errors one foot away. - 到12︰01時,那些波動就已經會在1英尺遠的地方造成偏差。

He had lived in it as a child when it was already disappearing, - 作為一個孩子他曾在西部生活過,當時西部拓荒生活正在消失。

it is customary for the new arrival to be placed between the stalls of two captives whose training is already well advanced. - 通常是把新到的安置在兩頭訓練得很好的大象的象廄中間,

Granted, a snobbery of camping itself, based upon equipment and techniques, already exists, - 誠然,露營地本身也存在以露營裝備和方式取人的勢利現象,

It's already in transit. - 已經在運輸中了。

We've already had a big demand for this product. - 這種產品我們已有很大的需要求量。

He's already a little weak in Chinese. - 他的中文已經有點兒弱了。

Of course. When I got there, you had already started playing. So you didn't see me. - 當然啦。當我到那裡時,你們已經開始踢球了。因而你沒看見我。

Just a minute. I'll see if I'm free. No, I'm not. I've already got something on that evening. - 等一會。我看看是否有空。不,我沒空。我那天晚上已經有了安排。

I think it would be a good idea to have comments from secretaries and typists who are already using it. Then they can express their satisfaction with the product. - 我認為,聽聽使用過這種計算機的秘書和打字員的反映,倒是個好主意。他們可以發表對產品滿意的意見。

When he woke up, his hands and feet had already been tied together. - 當他醒過來的時候,他的手腳已經被捆起來了。

Another good reason for taking a part-time job is that employers usually prefer to hire someone who has already had some work experience. They value someone who leads an active life and is anxious to learn. For example, a newspaper might employ you if you - 干兼職工作的另一條充分的理由就是,僱主們通常願意錄用已有一些工作經驗的人。他們很看重生活積極、渴望學習的人。例如,如果你在大學或中學就讀時曾為某學生雜誌工作過,那麼報社就可能錄用你。一般來說,如果你已幹過一些兼職工作,找到適合工作的機會就會大些。

Speak to your father and tell him that you are already doing well in the subject of your choice. If you like, remind him that many women have chosen to work in fields that were not used to accepting women. You can point out that Florence Nightingale opene - 和你的父親談談,告訴他你在所選的學科領域裡已經做得很不錯了。如果你願意的話,請提醒他,許多女子已經選擇了過去慣於不接受婦女的部門去工作了。你可以向他指出,弗洛倫斯·南丁格爾開闢了護理學,居里夫人為婦女從事科學開創了天地。懇求你父親和你的老師談一談,他會發?2283


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