





distinctness evidence in evidence nakedness patency 明顯;distinctness evidence in evidence nakedness patency 明顯;distinctness evidence in evidence nakedness patency 明顯;accusation evidence 檢察證據;檢舉證據;accusing evidence 有罪證據;


1.Then we analyze the differentia between electronic evidence and digital evidence, computer evidence and scientific evidence. 然後分析了電子證據與數字證據、計算機證據、科學證據的差異。

2.As a very important form of evidence in criminal evidence, real evidence has a great significance in theory and practice of the law of evidence. 物證作為刑事證據中的一種重要的存在形式,在證據法學理論和實踐中具有十分重要的意義。

3.Civil Evidence System is the center of civil action system, while civil evidence testifying power system is the center of civil evidence system. 民事證據制度是民事訴訟制度的核心,民事證據證明力制度則是民事證據制度的核心。

4.Since there is no conflicting evidence and one piece of consistent (though not strictly corroboratory) evidence, I recommend we take Riddle's statement at face value and assume Harry is a half-blood. 既然沒有與之相衝突的證據卻有一點一致的證據(儘管沒有嚴格證實),我建議我們從字面含義上接受裡德的說法並假定哈利是混血。

5.Administration should review the application for accuracy and adequacy of the evidence to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to launch anti-dumping investigations. 當局應審查申請書所提供的證據準確性和充分性,以確定是否有足夠的證據發起反傾銷調查。


Shows insufficient evidence of achievement. - 缺乏獲得成功的足夠依據。

However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, - 可是,隨著證據越來越多,動物園的專家們感到有必要進行一番調查,

They will hardly know which facts to select from the great mass of evidence that steadily accumulates. - 對於逐漸積累起來的龐大材料,他們幾乎不知道選取哪些好,

Recent scientific evidence seems to indicate that this assumption is incorrect. - 但近期科學研究發現,好像這種假設是不正確的。

there is no evidence that the total amount of activity is any less. - 但沒有跡象表明,其活動總量有任何減少。

On the other hand, those who dislike noise will sometimes use most inadequate evidence to support their pleas for a quieter society. - 另一方面,那些討厭噪音的人有時會用不充分的證據來支持他們希望有一個較為安靜的社會環境的要求。

and he had seen there evidence enough to overthrow Aristotle and Ptolemy together. - 觀察到的論據足以把亞里士多德和托勒密一起推翻。


n.旁證 - collateral evidence

n.物證檢驗 - examination of material evidence

實驗課顯示 - laboratory evidence

n.物證 - material evidence

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