





affine transformation 仿射變換;仿射轉換;仿射轉換;轉換法;alibi-type transformation 坐標固定圖像移動之變換;釋義:坐標固定圖像移動的變換;坐標固定圖像移動的變換;坐標固定圖像移動之變換;allotropic transformation 同素異形變化;同素異形變態;同素異形轉變;同素異晶變化;allotropic transformation point 同素變態點;arcsine transformation 釋義:反正弦變換,反正弦代換;


1.The transformation kinetics model and transformation plasticity of experimental steel on compression stress during isothermal transformation were studied. 研究了壓應力作用下實驗鋼等溫轉變的相變動力學及相變塑性。

2.Projective transformation and affine transformation are essential in the image transformation. 仿射變換和透射變換是兩種基本的圖像變換。

3.By using the method of the gauge transformation, this paper obtains the gauge transformation of Eigenvalue problems of energy dependent potentials and the Backlund transformation. 用規範變換的方法,導出了位勢依賴於能量的特徵值問題的規範變換及相應的貝克隆變換。

4.The number of microbe was less influenced in added nitrate medium, so we conlude that nitrate has impetence with selenium on microbial transformation and inhibited selenate transformation. 硝酸根的存在不影響微生物的數目,說明硝酸根與硒酸根發生競爭轉化,抑制了單質硒的生成。

5.Results The recurrence rate of the patients with subtype transformation is higher than that of no subtype transformation. 結果伴有亞型轉化的患者平均復發次數高於非亞型轉化患者,但生存時間較長。


photoelectric transformation efficiency; n. photoelectric conversion efficiency - 光電轉換效率

transformation constant - 變換常數

n. transformation stress - 變換應力

n. transformation strain - 變換應變

n. transformation temperature - 變換溫度

transformation matrix - 變換矩陣

transformation of variable - 變數代換

n. transformation to bainite - 向貝氏體轉化

large external transformation sensitive protein - 外轉化敏感蛋白

large external transformation sensitive - 大的外部轉化敏感

n. isothermal cooling transformation diagram - 恆溫冷卻轉變圖

n. isothermal transformation diagram - 恆溫轉變圖

n. isothermal transformation case hardening - 恆溫轉變表面硬化處理

transformation of data - 數據變換

lymphocyte transformation factor; lymphocyte transforming factor - 淋巴細胞轉化因子

lymphocyte transformation rate - 淋巴細胞轉化率

lymphocyte conversion test; lymphocyte transformation test - 淋巴細胞轉化試驗

n. transformation diagram for heat treatment - 熱處理相變圖

n. transformation diagram for heat treatment - 熱處理轉變圖

n. continuous cooling transformation diagram for welding - 焊接用的連續冷卻變換曲線(圖)

n. continuous cooling transformation diagram for welding - 焊接的連續冷卻轉變圖

n. isothermal cooling transformation diagram - 等溫冷卻轉變圖

n. isothermal transformation case hardening - 等溫轉變表面硬化處理

transformation index - 轉化指數

n. transformation plasticity - 轉變塑性

n. transformation stress - 轉變應力

n. transformation texture - 轉變織態

n. transformation structure - 轉變結構

transformation range - 轉變範圍

n. transformation process - 轉變過程

transformation rate; turnover rate - 轉換率

n. continuous cooling transformation diagram - 連續冷卻變換曲線(圖)

n. continuous cooling transformation curve - 連續冷卻圖

n. anisothermal transformation diagram - 連續冷卻相變圖

transformation from one channel to another; transmission from one channel to anlther - 過經

transformation between yin an yang; transformation between yin and yang - 陰陽轉化

n. anisothermal transformation diagram - 非等溫變換圖


n.異型轉化 - allogenic transformation

n.變構轉變 - allosteric transformation

n.角度變換 - angular transformation

抗原轉換 - antigenic transformation

n.反正弦變換 - arcsine transformation

異型移行帶 - atypical transformation zone

n.同型轉化 - autogenic transformation

n.共沸點變換 - azeotropic transformation

n.母細胞轉化 - blast transformation

n.幼細胞轉化 - blastoid transformation

發癌形質轉換 - carcinogenic transformation

n.細胞轉化 - cell transformation

細胞轉化 - cellular transformation

n.共培養轉化 - cocultivation transformation

n.寒化 - cold transformation

n.氣化不利,氣化無權 - disturbance in qi transformation

n.化燥 - dryness transformation

n.螺旋捲曲轉化 - helix coil transformation

n.熱化 - heat transformation

n.人淋巴細胞轉化 - human lymphocyte transformation

n.分子內重排作用 - intramolecular transformation

n.連鎖轉化 - joint transformation

n.大的外部轉化敏感 - large external transformation sensitive

n.外轉化敏感蛋白 - large external transformation sensitive protein

n.連鎖轉化 - linked transformation

n.對數正態代換 - logarithmic normal transformation

n.對數變換 - logarithmic transformation

n.淋巴母細胞轉化 - lymphoblastic transformation

淋巴細胞幼稚化 - lymphocyte blast transformation

n.淋巴細胞幼稚化,淋巴細胞轉化 - lymphocyte transformation

n.淋巴細胞轉化因子 - lymphocyte transformation factor

n.淋巴細胞轉化率 - lymphocyte transformation rate

n.淋巴細胞轉化試驗 - lymphocyte transformation test

惡性轉化 - malignant transformation

n.類固醇微生物轉化 - microbiological steroid transformation

腫瘤轉化,腫瘤性轉化 - neoplastic transformation

核蛻變 - nuclear transformation

n.皮革樣化 - parchment-like transformation

n.人格轉換 - personality transformation

n.相轉變 - phase transformation

n.光電轉換效率 - photoelectric transformation efficiency

多瘤移植 - polyoma transformation

n.性反轉,性轉變 - sex transformation

溶膠—凝膠轉換 - sol-gel transformation

種系轉化 - species transformation

自發轉化,自 - spontaneous transformation

瘤基因變異 - tumorigenic transformation

n.零級轉化 - zero-order transformation

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