water-sick 受澇的;
1.The flushed-out fluids need to be replaced. If they抮e not, you get sick. Be sure to drink water throughout the day. 有液體排出,就需要有待償,如果這個時候沒有及時補充水份,你就可能會生病。
2.there grew water plants, some so fresh, others half sick, the water-snakes lay down on them, and black crabs pinched their stalks. 在種種不同的水生植物中,有許多還很新鮮,有許多已經半枯萎了,水蛇在它們上面盤繞著,黑螃蟹緊緊地鉗著它們的梗子。
3.In due time, ' said the third, 'we shall be Home-sick once more for quiet water-lilies swaying on the surface of an English stream. 「到一定的時候,」第三隻燕子說,「我們又會患起思鄉病;想念著英國溪水上漂著的幽靜的睡蓮。