Water-shed 受水域;Water-shed area 受水域面積;
1.We looked at the sky in the Roman shed rain water on the open-stemmed Yinhua, colorful, our dazzling, dizzying. 我們望著天空中灑下的滴滴金雨,水面上開的朵朵銀花,五顏六色,我們眼花繚亂、目不暇接。
2.This fish breeds except the pond outside, still can wait in laky, reservoir large and medium-sized water area is put shed hyperplasia. 該魚除池塘養殖外,還可在湖泊、水庫等大中型水域放流增殖。
3.The fund to harness small valley, is the money used for the water and soil conservation, erosion protection and exploitation or management of small water-shed. 小流域水土流失治理資金,是以小流域為單元的水土流失治理活動中,水土保持措施建設、經營管理所使用的資金。