





Regulation of techniques for comprehensive control of soil erosion--Technique for erosion control of gullies 水土保持綜合治理 技術規範 溝壑治理技術;A Study of the Erosion-Corrosion and Erosion-Corrosion Resistant Cast Iron Materials under Hot Concentrated Caustic Alumyte Slurry Conditions 上一篇論文: 熱強鹼性鋁礦漿沖刷腐蝕及抗磨蝕鑄鐵材料的研究;A Study of the Erosion-Corrosion and Erosion-Corrosion Resistant Cast Iron Materials under Hot Concentrated Caustic Alumyte Slurry Conditions 上一篇論文: 熱強鹼性鋁礦漿沖刷腐蝕及抗磨蝕鑄鐵材料的研究;Regulation of techniques for comprehensive control of soil erosion--Technique for control of wind erosion 水土保持綜合治理 技術規範 風沙治理技術;debaucjed dissipated erosion 糜爛;


1.On the base, the gully erosion process, the gully erosion developing condition and the interactivity between sheet erosion and gully erosion have been described. 在此基礎上,對侵蝕溝由順犁溝發展至槽溝的發展過程、發展條件,以及面蝕與溝蝕的發展轉化關係進行了闡述。

2.The soil erosion is more severe in the middle part on the short farmland slope. The erosion pattern of the gully base show violent headward erosion. 結果表明,在所有坡面上土壤侵蝕都表面為波動趨勢,短坡長農耕地坡面中部侵蝕更為強烈;

3.The soil erosion is more severe in the middle part on the short farmland slope. The erosion pattern of the gully base show violent headward erosion. 結果表明,在所有坡面上土壤侵蝕都表面為波動趨勢,短坡長農耕地坡面中部侵蝕更為強烈;

4.Based on practical investigation and research, soil erosion, mainly gravitational erosion and water erosion, was identified as the main ecological problem. 在實地調研的基礎上,指出土壤侵蝕是該地帶的主要生態問題,土壤侵蝕以重力侵蝕、水力侵蝕為主。

5.Based on practical investigation and research, soil erosion, mainly gravitational erosion and water erosion, was identified as the main ecological problem. 在實地調研的基礎上,指出土壤侵蝕是該地帶的主要生態問題,土壤侵蝕以重力侵蝕、水力侵蝕為主。


n. erosion scab - 侵蝕鑄瘤

congenital erosion of cervix uteri - 先天性子宮頸糜爛

erosion of mucous membrane in the oral cavity - 口舌糜爛

erosion of auditory ossicles - 聽骨糜爛

cervical erosion; erosion of cervix - 宮頸糜爛

n. contact erosion and transfer - 接觸侵蝕和遷移

n. contact erosion and transfer - 接觸腐蝕和傳送

n. erosion corrosion,erosion-corrosion - 浸蝕腐蝕

n. cavitation erosion resistance - 耐氣蝕

erosion resistance - 耐蝕性

erosion of auricle - 耳爛

n. erosion control works - 腐蝕控制功

n. erosion characteristics - 腐蝕特徵

erosion of penis - 陰莖糜爛

erosion of vulva - 陰蝕


急性糜爛 - acute erosion

n.宮頸糜爛,子宮頸糜爛 - cervical erosion

子宮頸部磨蝕 - cervix erosion

染色體侵蝕 - chromosome erosion

n.先天性子宮頸糜爛 - congenital erosion of cervix uteri

角膜腐蝕 - corneal erosion

牙侵蝕 - dental erosion

n.食管粘膜糜爛 - esophageal mucosa erosion

n.顆粒型糜爛 - granular erosion

n.糜爛愈復 - healing of erosion

n.邊緣糜爛 - marginal erosion

n.粘膜糜爛 - mucosal erosion

n.乳突型糜爛 - papillary erosion

n.復發性角膜糜爛 - recurrent corneal erosion

n.單純性糜爛 - simple erosion

n.舌爛 - tongue erosion

真腐蝕,真性腐蝕 - true erosion

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