n. fifth part ,one-fifth ,twenty percenta. 5th
fifth[fifθ]adj. 第五的;五分之一的n. 第五;五分之一num. 第五
fifth 五度;第五的;第五姿勢:;死神界;Fifth Element 第五元素;品牌情侶裝;喜歡的電影;fifth industry 第五產業;Fifth Amendment 美國憲法法第五修正案;第五修正案;第五條修正案;fifth edition 第五版;影印版;
1.I stroll down Fifth Avenue. 我沿著第五大街散步。
2.The first round lowed import taxes on one fifth of world trade. 第一回合降低了世界貿易五分之一的進口關稅。
3.The fifth period is one of affliction, desolation, humiliation, and poverty for the Church. 第五時期對教會來說是一個痛苦、憂傷、蒙恥和貧窮的時期。
Get me off at the Fifth Avenue. - 請在第五大道讓我下車。
Of course. It's on the fifth floor of Building No.4. Let's go there. - 當然可以。展室在四號樓五層,我們上去吧。
Right, fifth word. - 對, 第五個字。
The fifth word is seven. - 第五個字是七。
We're on the fifth floor. - 我們在五樓。
My wife and I are celebrating our fifth anniversary. - 我太太和我要慶祝一下我們的結婚五週年。
This is not the way to spend our fifth anniversary. - 這不是我們過五週年紀念日的方式。
It's missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C. - 而她那身異處的腦袋卻碰巧是在公元前5世紀的文物中找到的。
I think we need to discuss the fifth clause. - 我想第5條需要討論一下。
We aren't able to supply the third ad fifth items. - 第三及第五項目,我們沒有貨供應。
erythema infectiosum; fifth disease; infectious erythema - 傳染性紅斑
digitus minimus; fifth finger; little finger - 小指
musculus extensor digiti quinti proprius; proper extensor muscle of fifth digit - 小指固有伸肌
fifth venereal disease - 第五性病
erythema infetiosum; fifth disease - 第五病
fifth ventricle of cerebrum - 第五腦室
fifth nerve - 第五腦神經
fracture of fifth metatarsal base - 第五蹠骨基底骨折
tuberositas ossis metatarsalis; tuberosity of fifth metatarsal bone - 第五蹠骨粗隆
n.第五蹠骨基底骨折 - fracture of fifth metatarsal base
n.小指固有伸肌 - proper extensor muscle of fifth digit
n.第五蹠骨粗隆 - tuberosity of fifth metatarsal bone