haemocytes['hi:məusait, 'hem-]n. 血細胞
haemocytes 血細胞;
1.It is generally agreed that haematopoietic tissue (HPT) and haematopoietic stem cells are responsible for the production and supply of haemocytes. 造血組織和造血干細胞為血細胞的生成、補充和更新提供了保障。
2.The isolate revealed to be able to agglutinate chicken haemocytes with the agglutination reaction to be inhibited by Newcastle disease virus standard antiserum. 該病毒凝集雞紅細胞的作用可被新城疫標準陽性血清所抑制,證明所分離的毒株為新城疫病毒。
3.Morphology and sizes of the haemocytes in the Chinese black sleeper were studied using blood samples from both cultured and wild fishes of hermaphroditic and gonochoristic individuals. 本文研究了野生和養殖中華烏塘鱧血細胞的形態特徵,測量了除血栓細胞以外的其他各種血細胞的大小,並計數了各種白細胞數量的百分比。