HBabbr. [軍] 厚膛壁身管(Heavy Barrel)
Hb 血紅蛋白;藍色燈;布氏硬度;高亮度;HB LED 高亮度發光二極管;高亮度發光二極體;發光二極管;於高照度發光二極體;hemoglobin Hb 血紅蛋白;TLD HB 投影機系列鏡頭;RBC HB 尿潛血試驗;
1.HB: Do you think that women in general do too much in relationships? 你是否認為女性在一段感情中似乎總是做得太多?
2.HB: You seem to imply that your work success is because of luck. Are success and luck the same thing? Is luck how you got to be so successful? 你的言下之意似乎是你的成功源自於你的幸運?你認為成功意味著幸運嗎?是運氣讓你如此成功的嗎?(就你聰明,我怎麼沒聽出有言下之意)
3.Objective To investigate the distribution of the FⅨ gene mutations in hemophilia B(HB) and compare the mutation patterns between the Chinese HB and Caucasian HB. 目的研究導致中國人血友病B的凝血因子Ⅸ(FⅨ)基因突變類型的分佈,並比較與美國白種人群有何異同。