snowmobile['snəuməubi:l]n. 雪上汽車;機動雪橇
snowmobile 雪上汽車;雪地汽車;雪地摩托車;雪車;Snowmobile Racing 雪上飛飆;Snowmobile trails 雪上汽車道;International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association 國際雪上汽車產業協會;Tisch Mills man killed in snowmobile crash 蒂施紡織廠一名男子死亡雪橇墜毀;
1.Kate, roared with delight, as William took the snowmobile controls. 威廉駕駛著雪地摩托,而凱特在他身後高興得大叫起來。
2.I met a nice French guy on a freezing morning in Rovaniemi, Finland. He was kind enough to drive me to the husky farm on a snowmobile. 在芬蘭的羅瓦涅米一個寒冷的早晨,我認識了一個好心的法國人,他開著雪上汽車載我去哈士奇農場。
3.So, how did we get him downhills?Remember the ski patrol?He asked us if we wanted to have a snowmobile up to carry my boy downhill. Thanks God! We immediately said YES. 因此,我們是如何讓他下山的?記得巡邏人員嗎?他問我們是否想到派輛雪車來載我兒子下山,感謝老天!