





n. fixing ,hole ,jam ,localisationv. cook ,determine ,doctor ,fasten


v. break ,bust ,unfasten


fix[fiks]vt. 使固定;修理;安裝;準備vi. 固定;注視n. 困境;方位;賄賂


fix 安裝;固定;使固定,安裝;確定,固定;Fix Image 限製圖像;Photo fix 圖片調較功能;圖片調較;照片修復;圖片調較功效;quick fix 快速修復;快速修補;快速修正;快速解決;high fix 高精度定位系統高精度定位高精度定位系統;高精度定位系統;高精度定位;


1.Fix bayonets! 【軍事】[口令]上刺刀!

2.Should we fix the date for the interview? 我們為這次面談定一個好日子嗎?

3.Shall we fix the date for the interview. ? 我們為這次的面談定個日子好嗎?


Then why don't we fix a date for a game one of these days? - 那麼我們為什麼不在這幾天中訂個日子來打一場比賽呢?

Call the plumber to fix the toilet. - 給水管工打個電話來修理廁所。

I could probably tell what it requires to fix it up. - 我大致能說出修復它需要些什麼。

what you need to fix up the old library. - 你們修復舊圖書館所需要的東西。

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. - 東西還沒壞,就別急去修它。

I think you could use super glue to fix this cup. - 我認為你可以用強力膠來修補這杯子。

You don't need to call a plumber, I can fix the sink. - 你不必請水管工人了,我會修水槽。

During your computer classes, did they teach you how to fix a cooling fan? - 在你的電腦課程,他們是否教過你如何修理散熱風扇?

Can I fix an overseas call to London by person-to-person call? - 我要打到倫敦的叫人電話好嗎?

Can I fix you a drink? - 我給你調飲料好嗎?

I asked him to fix it for me, but he wouldn't. - 我請他幫我修理,但是他不肯。

I will fix it for you. - 我會為你修理。

If he doesn't, will you fix it? - 如果他不,你會修理它嗎?

I'll fix you up. - 我會幫你打點的。

It took him a little time to fix that watch. - 他很快就把表修理好了。

Some wives tend to believe that their husbands are infinitely resourceful and can fix anything. - 妻子常常認為她們的丈夫無比聰明能幹。

I would not hear of the suggestion and said that I would fix it myself. - 我不願聽妻子的建議,說我自己會修。

No, we didn't fix anything. - 不,我們沒有決定任何事情。

Will you help me fix up this sheet? Then it'll give us some shade. - 幫我固定一下布單,好嗎?這樣可以給我們一些陰涼。

That would be nice. Let's fix a date. - 那太好了。我們定個日子吧。

No, we didn't fix anything. We thought we might go out, but we said we'd check with each other first. And now I'm telling you I can't manage this Friday. Another time, possibly, but not Friday. - 不,我們沒有決定任何事情。我們認為我們可能出去,但我們說好要先互相通通氣的。我正要告訴你我星期五沒辦法(出來)。換個時間還有可能,但不要在星期五。

One man was told to fix up an air-line to provide compressed air for the machines they were using. - 有個工人被派去安裝"供氣管",給他們正在使用的機器提供壓縮空氣。

He explained that he had tried to fix the air-line to the supply line that ran round the port but could not because the fittings did not match. - 他解釋說他想供氣管安裝到鋪設在碼頭周圍的供應管上,但因為接頭不相配而接不上。


mother fix - mother fix


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