





a. medicative


medicinal[me'disinəl]adj. 藥的;藥用的;治療的(等於medicinable);有益的


medicinal 醫學的;醫藥的;藥用的;藥物;medicinal massager 藥物按摩器;藥物[針灸]按摩器;medicinal vaseline 藥用凡士林;醫藥凡士林;medicinal charcoal 藥用炭;釋義:藥用炭;medicinal preparation 藥物制劑;


1.The roots have reputed medicinal value. 根已經認為藥用的價值。

2.Noni is an flowering plant that produces a fruit that is considered medicinal by the ancient Hawaiians. 諾麗是一種開花的植物,結出一種被古老夏威夷人認為非常有益的水果。

3.Where drugs to change personality traits were once seen as medicinal fripperies, or enhancements, they are now seen as entitlements. 藥物改變人格特性曾一度被看作是醫學上的矯飾,或促進,現在它們被看作是權利。


pictorial handbook of chinese medicinal herbs - 中草藥圖鑒

traditional chinese medicinal materials - 中藥材

medicinal leech - 醫用水蛭

medicinal barium sulfate - 醫用硫酸鋇

medicinal efficacy - 醫療效能

rare medicinal herbs - 名貴藥材

prescribe medicinal herbs - 處方遺藥

cold moxibustion therapy; crude herb moxibustion; medicinal vesiculation - 天灸

crude herb moxibustion; medicinal vesiculation - 天炙

medicinal guide - 引經藥

medicinal guide - 引藥

applying medicinal powder; catapasm; conspersi; dusting powders; dustingpowders - 撲粉

medicinal strip insertion; medicinalstripinsertion - 插藥

medicinal powder; scattered neelinging - 散劑

organic medicinal chemistry - 有機藥物化學

pooular medicinal herbs - 民間流行的草藥

decoction; medicinal broth - 湯劑

boiling the medicinal herbs; decocting the medicinal herbs - 煎藥

decoction made from pwder; dococt medicinal herbs - 煮藥

decocting medicinal herbs - 熬藥

rare medicinal herbs - 珍奇草藥

rare medicinal herbs - 稀有草藥

apply moist medicinal powder around the sore; encircling drugs - 箍圍藥

flavor of a drug; medicinal ingredients in a prescription - 藥味

crude drug; medicinal material - 藥材

medicinal moxibustion - 藥灸

chem pharmaceutical chemistry; medicinal chemistry; pharm - 藥物化學

medicinal sensorineural deafness - 藥物性感覺神經性聾

medicinal effectiveness - 藥物效用

moxa rolls with other medicinal herbs - 藥物艾卷

medicinal tea; species - 茶劑

galenical; herb; herbal medicine medicinal herb - 草藥

miraculous effects of medicinal herbs - 草藥的奇效

medicinal paraffin oil - 藥用石蠟油

drug eruption; drug rash; epispasis; medicinal rash - 藥疹

medicinal cupping for pusdrainage - 藥筒拔法

medicinal powder - 藥粉

medicinal chart - 藥紙

medicinal cupping; medicinal upping - 藥罐

medicinal moxibustion - 藥調灸

medicinal moxibustion - 藥調炙

medicated wine; medicinal liquor; tincture - 藥酒

distilled medicinal water - 藥露

steaming the medicinal herbs - 蒸藥

dispensing; fill a prescription; formulate a prescription; medicinal formula - 配方

medicinal cake - 餅劑

crude medicinal herbs for use; using fresh herb - 鮮用


n.箍圍藥 - apply moist medicinal powder around the sore

n.撲粉 - applying medicinal powder

n.煎藥 - boiling the medicinal herbs

n.鮮用 - crude medicinal herbs for use

藥物中毒死 - death from medicinal poisoning

n.熬藥 - decocting medicinal herbs

n.煎藥 - decocting the medicinal herbs

n.藥露 - distilled medicinal water

n.煮藥 - dococt medicinal herbs

n.草藥 - herbal medicine medicinal herb

n.草藥的奇效 - miraculous effects of medicinal herbs

n.藥物艾卷 - moxa rolls with other medicinal herbs

n.有機藥物化學 - organic medicinal chemistry

n.中草藥圖鑒 - pictorial handbook of chinese medicinal herbs

n.民間流行的草藥 - pooular medicinal herbs

n.處方遺藥 - prescribe medicinal herbs

n.名貴藥材,稀有草藥 - rare medicinal herbs

n.蒸藥 - steaming the medicinal herbs

n.中藥材 - traditional chinese medicinal materials

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