n. cuspidor
spittoon[spi'tu:n]n. 痰盂
spittoon 痰盂;痰孟;痰盂問題;尿盔子=痰盂;cuspidor spittoon 痰盂;spittoon WESTBANK 痰孟;fountain spittoon 噴水痰盂;cuspidor goboon spitbox spittoon 痰盂;
1.He threw the stub of his cigarette viciously into a spittoon, then picked up a cup of tea from the table and took a sip at it. 她從起居間拿來這份文稿,小心地把它鋪在貼面桌上蠟燭旁,點上她一年一支的香煙------駱駝牌,啜一口白蘭地,然後開始讀。
2.Yesterday a 15-foot rattler arrived at me, so I grabbed it, bit its head off, and spit the poison into a spittoon 15 yards away. 一條15英尺的毒蛇向我撲過來,我抓住它,把它的頭咬下來,然後把毒液吐到15碼外的痰盂裡。
3.I don't know what they were thing about know what they think about: They feel releasedhave freedom in fresh open air they think the earth is a gigantic spittoon. 我不知道這些人當時在想什麼,但我知道他們怎麼想的。他們覺得在空氣新鮮的戶外得到了更多的釋放和自由,覺得地球和一個大痰盂沒任何區別。