tsunyi['dzu:'ni:]= Zunyi
1.Comrade Mao Tse-tung's position of leadership over the whole Party was established at the Tsunyi Meeting in January, 193
5. 一九三五年一月的遵義會議,確立了毛澤東同志在全黨的領導地位。
2.This error was corrected at the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee at Tsunyi in January 193
5. 這個錯誤是在一九三五年一月擴大的中央政治局的遵義會議時糾正過來了。
3.When it came to Tsunyi(遵義), an important meeting was held there by the Chinese Communist Party, which then made Comrade Mao Tse-tung the leader. 到遵義後中國共產黨舉行了一次重要的會議,會上選舉毛澤東同志作領袖。