





n. imagination ,sight ,visual modality ,visual sensation


vision['viʒən]n. 視力;美景;眼力;幻象;想像力vt. 想像;顯現;夢見


Vision 願景;影像;景象;視力;World Vision 世界宣明會;世界展望會;宣明會;世界展望會;Vision cable 電視電纜;電視機電線;photopic vision 明視覺;亮視覺;晝視覺;白晝視覺;color vision 色視覺;彩色視覺;色覺;辨色力;


1.He tried to vision himself in a past century. 他假想自己身處百年之前。

2.Infrared night vision function. 紅外線夜視功能。

3.We need a man of vision as leader of the party. 我們需要一個有遠見卓識的人作黨的領導人。


But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. - 只有今天好好地生活,昨天才會變成幸福的回憶,明天才會成為希望的憧憬。

We have a vision of the future. - 我們對未來有一番憧憬。

who has normal vision but who can also perceive things with different parts of her skin, and through solid walls. - 她的視力與常人一樣,但她還能用皮膚的不同部位辨認東西,甚至看穿堅實的牆壁。

no sunset so beautiful that it does not waken the vision of a greater beauty, a vision which passes before it is fully glimpsed, - 美麗的落日總會引起一個更加絢麗的景象未及飽覽便一閃即逝,

and still cannot fathom the exact outline of the vision before them. - 站在鏡前,不能辨認出自身的真面目。


three color vision receptor - 三色覺感受器

right vision; visio oculus dextra; vision of right eye; visual acuity of right eye; visualacuityofrighteye - 右眼視力

diplopia test; double vision test - 復視試驗

left visus; visio oculus sinister; vision of left eye; visual acuity of left eye - 左眼視力

panendoscope; wide vision cystoscope - 廣視野膀胱鏡

improving acuity of vision and emoving nebula - 明目退翳

electric vision tester - 測驗器

direct vision spectroscope - 直視分光鏡

dimness of vision with convulsion - 瞀瘛

red-green vision test - 紅綠視力表

sight tester; vision tester - 自覺檢眼器

color vision field - 色視野

color vision test - 色覺試驗

vision test - 視力測定

blurring of vision accompanied by restlessness; blurring of vision accompanied by restlessnesss - 悶瞀


異常視力 - abnormal vision

n.色覺敏度 - acuity of color vision

視敏度 - acuteness of vision

交替視 - alternative vision

角視力,角視覺 - angular vision

n.雙眼視覺 - binocular vision

藍視 - blue vision

n.目昏,視力模糊 - blurred vision

n.視力模糊,視物如隔煙霧 - blurring of vision

n.悶瞀 - blurring of vision accompanied by restlessness

n.悶瞀 - blurring of vision accompanied by restlessnesss

亮度視覺 - brightness vision

n.心臟直視手術 - cardiac operation under direct vision

n.中心視野 - central field of vision

n.中心視覺,中心視力 - central vision

n.色視症 - chromatic vision

n.色視覺 - color vision

n.色視野 - color vision field

n.色覺試驗 - color vision test

視色異常 - colored vision

錐視覺 - cone vision

矯正視力 - corrected vision

n.直視下矯正術 - correction under direct vision

皮層視覺,皮質視力 - cortical vision

n.篩形視野 - cribriform field of vision

n.白晝視覺,明視覺 - daylight vision

n.耳聾目昏 - deafness and blurring of vision

n.有缺陷視覺 - defective vision

暗視覺,夜間視覺 - dim-light vision

n.視力減退 - diminution of vision

n.瞀瘛 - dimness of vision with convulsion

n.直接視覺,直視 - direct vision

n.直視分光鏡 - direct vision spectroscope

方向視覺 - directional vision

n.直視分離術 - division under direct vision

n.復視 - double vision

n.復視試驗 - double vision test

n.明視持久度 - duration of photopic vision

n.測驗器 - electric vision tester

n.直視分離術 - exclusion under direct vision

視野外所見 - extracampine vision

n.目力昏倦 - eye strain with blurring of vision

n.視野 - field of vision

形狀視覺 - form vision

中央視力,中心凹視力 - foveal vision

n.綠視症 - green vision

n.目暈 - halo vision

健康的視力 - healthy vision

可見圖像 - image vision

n.明目 - improving acuity of vision


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