Augustanadj. 奧古斯都時代的(古羅馬帝國皇帝);奧古斯都的n. 奧古斯都時期的作家
Augustan 奧古斯都的;奧古斯都時代的;奧古斯都;古典主義;Augustan History 羅馬帝王紀;augustan age 拉丁文學時代;奧古斯都時代;Augustan Satire Bibliography 奧古斯汀時期諷刺文學;
1.And again I think we were dealing with Augustan propaganda with his ability to rewrite history after the time. 我認為我們再一次見識了屋大維的宣傳能力他利用他的能力在改寫他身後的歷史。
2.Austen's orderly, decorous16) world has an Augustan balance and sanity—just the place to which we'd like to retreat after each day's news. 奧斯汀的世界裡,一切井然有序,人人彬彬有禮,頗有古羅馬奧古斯都時代的和諧與理性——是那種我們聽夠了一天的新聞,想隱退其間的地方。
3.When it was decided that we would sail for Italy, they proceeded to deliver Paul and some other prisoners to a centurion of the Augustan cohort named Julius. 非斯都既然定規了,叫我們坐船往義大利去,便將保羅,和別的囚犯,交給卿營裡的一個百夫長,名叫猶流。