spitfire['spit,faiə]n. 噴火的東西;烈性子的人
spitfire 烈性子;烈性子的人圖片;噴火式飛機;超級火力;Spitfire Beetle 噴火蟲;Supermarine Spitfire 超級馬林噴火戰鬥機;噴火;噴火戰鬥機;spitfire DAC 噴火龍;Spitfire jazz 爵士樂;
1.As a result, a film like Spitfire Grill, which only works if you're willing to get emotionally involved, leave reviewers cold. 因此,像《溫馨真情》這樣只有投入大量感情才能體會其深意的電影,卻無法打動評論家。
2.His previous publications include Carlton's Modern Architecture, The Car and The Train, and Spitfire (Atlantic)- all bestsellers. 他以前的出版物包括麗嘉的現代建築,汽車和火車,和噴火(大西洋賽區)-所有的暢銷書。
3.An analyzer sheds no tears at Spitfire Grill because he isn't looking for an experience with redemptive love, he's looking for interesting things to say in his column or show. 一個評論家不會為《溫馨真情》流一滴眼淚,因為他沒有去體會那種救贖的愛,他只是在電影中尋找可以在他的專欄或者作秀節目中進行評論的趣事。