streamliningn. 吝形化,流線型化
streamlining 吝形化;成流線形;流線形;流線型上層建築;streamlining procedures 精簡程序;Streamlining through shared services 通過如共享服務等手段提高效率;streamlining governmental functionaries 精簡機構;streamlining of reporting procedure 簡化報案程序 公安;簡化報案程序;
1.We have also invested in simplifying and streamlining our processes and cleaning up our purchasing systems. 該公司還對工作程序的簡化和完善進行投資並不斷優化採購機構。
2.Center begins by streamlining the three status officer and three national staff posts together, each employee must be familiar with the technique of each post. 中心先是精簡這三個崗位人員,再把三個崗位的人員統編在一起,每個職工都必須熟練操作每個崗位工作技術。
3.So our current streamlining should trim the top layers, including those at the regimental, battalion and company levels, and create the necessary conditions for promoting new cadres. 所以,這次精簡要把蓋子揭一層,包括團級的、營級的、連級的都要揭,為提拔新生力量創造一個條件。