





a. bad ,dark ,deplorable ,pitying


a. unregretful ,unregretting


sorry['sɔ:ri, 'sɔ-]adj. 遺憾的;對不起的,抱歉的int. 對不起,抱歉(表示委婉的拒絕等)


Sorry 對不起!;抱歉;對不起;遺憾的;sorry baby 沒完沒了;沒完沒了》;對不起寶貝;very sorry 非常抱歉;深表歉意;非常對不起;很抱歉;Sorry Son 兒子對不起;對不起,孩子;Say sorry 道歉;說對不起;抱歉;說聲對不起;


1.Sorry to trouble you, but could you…? 對不起打擾你了,你可不可以……?

2.Sorry , you have no video capture hardware. 對不起,你沒有視頻捕獲硬件。

3.Sorry. I want to make friends with you. You know? 對不起。我想要和你們做朋友。你們知道嗎?


I'm sorry you have to leave so soon. - 很遺憾你不能多呆會兒。

I'm sorry I'll have to pass. - 很遺憾我得錯過這回了。

I'm really sorry to hear about that. - 聽到這個消息真讓我感到難過。

I'm sorry I'm so late. - 對不起 我遲到了這麼久。

Of course. I'm so sorry for Michelle. - 當然。我為Michelle擔心。

Oh, I'm sorry Susan isn't here. - 啊 可惜Susan不在。

Oh, I'm sorry it hurts so much, - 啊, 我很抱歉 ,你那麼痛。

Sorry, Robbie. Sorry to be late this morning, - 對不起, Robbie, 對不起 ,今天早上遲了點,

I'm sorry you can't come with us, Susan. - 很遺憾你不能同我們一起去, Susan。

I'm sorry I missed him. I had to work late. - 很抱歉我錯過了他醒著的時候。我必須工作到很晚。

I'm terribly sorry about that. - 為此我非常抱歉。

I can't tell you how sorry I am. - 我真的是很抱歉。

You cannot believe how sorry I am. - 你不知道我感到多麼抱歉。

Words cannot describe how sorry I am. - 語言無法描述我對你的歉意。

I'm sorry to have caused you so much inconvenience. - 給你造成諸多不便,我很抱歉。

I'm sorry for what I've done. - 我為我的所作所為向你道歉。

Hi, everyone. Sorry I'm late. - 嗨, 各位好。很抱歉我遲到了。

I'm sorry to say this, but there seems to be a mistake. - 對不起,這兒好像有個錯。

We were all sorry when we heard that your brother had had an accident. - 我對你弟弟的意外感到遺憾。

I'm sorry but the food was late and it was cold when it got here. I don't think I want to pay. - 真抱歉飯菜上晚了,而且它上桌時已經變冷了,所以我不想為此付賬。

I'm sorry but tonight you can borrow the car. - 很抱歉現在不行,但是晚上你可以借用這車子。

I'm sorry to inform you that your application for ball has been refused. - 很遺憾通知你, 你的保釋申請書已經被駁回了。

I feel sorry for the beggars, but I can't stand it when they teach their children how to beg. - 我很同情乞丐,但我真的看不慣他們教孩子怎麼樣行乞。

I'm extremely sorry for the delay. - 對此延誤,我深感抱歉。

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. - 很抱歉,讓你久等了。[分詞作狀語]

I'm really sorry about it. - 我真是非常抱歉。

I'm sorry to keep on coughing. - 我不停地咳嗽,真是抱歉。

I'm sorry I forgot your birthday, it completely slipped my mind. - 我很抱歉忘了你的生日,我完全不記得了。

I'm sorry to burst in on you like this, but I'm really upset. - 我很抱歉這樣突然地找您,但我真的很心煩。

I am sorry Mr. Chen is unavailable, would you like to speak to anyone else? - 抱歉陳先生不在,你要不要跟其他人講話?

I am sorry to keep you waiting. - 真抱歉,讓你久等了。

I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'd like you to explain that a little more. - 很抱歉,我插個嘴,我希望你多解釋一些。

I am sorry that we are unable to make you an offer for the time being. - 很抱歉目前我們不能報盤。

We are sorry to delay the shipment because our manufacturer has met unexpected difficulties. - 恕延期貨船,因為我們廠家遇到了預料不到的困難。

Well, I'm sorry you have to leave so early. - 哦,很遺憾,你非得這麼早走不可。

Sob! I didn't mean to kill it. I'm sorry birdie. - 嗚嗚,我無意要殺死你。對不起,小鳥。

I'm sorry I'm late. I overslept again. - 抱歉我來晚了。我又睡過頭了。

I can't tell you how sorry I am. - 我不知道我該怎樣道歉。

I'm sorry the casserole has gotten over cooked. - 對不起,沙鍋給燉焦了。

Excuse me! I'm sorry I startled you! - 對不起!很抱歉,讓你受驚了!

I am sorry you feel sad. - 抱歉,讓你傷心了。

Jack will feel sorry when she leaves. - 她一走,傑克會覺得悲傷的。

Who marrieth for love without money,hath good nights and sorry days. - 為了愛情,無錢結婚,夜來歡娛,白天悔恨。

Yes, I'll do that.I'm sorry about that. - 是,我重打。對此我感到很抱歉。

I'm sorry I'm late. - 對不起,我遲到了。

I'm sorry to hear that. - 聽到這個消息我感到遺憾。

I am so sorry about this. - 對此我非常抱歉(遺憾)。

I'm sorry to have bothered you. - 對不起,打擾你了。

Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him, - 因為它一直同情地看著醉漢,

The prisoner felt sorry for him, but there was nothing else he could do. - 戰俘為他感到惋惜,但卻沒有別的選擇。

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