





n. form ,kind ,sorting ,varietyv. assort ,screen ,screen out ,separate


sort[sɔ:t]n. 種類;方式;品質vi. 分類;協調;交往vt. 將…分類;將…排序;挑選出某物


sort 分類,排序;種類,類別;排序;數組元素的排序;sort out 清理;把...分類;挑選出;分類;radix sort 基數排序;基數排序法;基數排序法;基數排序;internal sort 內部排序;內排序;內部排序;內部排序,內分類;sort order 排序次序;排序;排列順序;排序順序;

sort的參考例句 sort eggs together indiscriminately 把雞蛋不按等級胡亂歸類

2.I can sort something out. 我能幫你解決問題的。

3.I sort of thought this would happen . 我有點兒覺得這件事會發生。


What sort of experience do you have? - 你有什麼樣的經歷?

And what sort of job? - 哪一類的工作?

I'm afraid there's some sort of misunder standing. - 這恐怕有一些誤會。

What sort of medicine do you take? - 你吃的是什麼藥?

What sort of guarantee do you offer on your product? - 你們提供什麼樣的產品保證呢?

What sort of guarantees are there against late delivery? - 懲罰延遲發貨有什麼保證呢?

What is the sort of furture? - 這是什麼風格的傢俱?

You can never tell about this sort of thing. - 這種事誰也說不準。

I felt sort of ill. - 我感覺有點不適。

This is the sort of thing that Jeremy loves. - 這正是傑裡米喜歡做的事情。

He should have known that the police would never allow this sort of thing. - 他本該知道警察絕不會允許這類事情發生。

We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradise where the sun always shines. - 我們有時想像荒島是陽光終日普照的天堂。

In spite of this, the Italians regarded him as a sort of hero. - 儘管如此,意大利人還是把他視作某種英雄。

The English language possesses a vivid saying to describe this sort of situation. - 英語中有一個生動的說法來形容這種情況。

Many people find this sort of joke distasteful The following example of 'sick humour' will enable you to judge for yourself. - 許多人認為這種笑話是低級庸俗的。下面是個「病態幽默」的實例,你可據此自己作出判斷。

Precautions of this sort are necessary, for it is impossible to foretell the exact nature of the difficulties which will confront the pot-holer. - 作出這樣的準備是必要的,因為無法預見到洞穴探險者究竟會遇到什麼性質的困難。

Since its discovery, it has become a sort of potholers' Everest. - 自從被發現以後,這個洞成了洞穴探險者的珠穆朗瑪峰,

They were visited by a large colony of ants which obtained a sort of honey from them. - 蚜蟲遭到一窩螞蟻的攻擊,螞蟻從它們身上可以獲得一種蜜。

No two sorts of birds practise quite the same sort of flight; - 沒有任何兩種鳥的飛行方式是相同的。

Now the snag in this sort of anecdote is of course that one cannot distinguish cause and effect. - 這類奇聞的疑難之處是無法區別因果關係。

It can copy a long report and sort the copies and pin them together. - 現它可以複印長篇的報告,把複印件分類,並裝訂起來。


sort module - 分類程序模塊

sort out data - 整理資料

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