





n. boring ,oil production


drilling['driliŋ]n. 鑽孔;訓練,教練;演練v. 鑽孔;訓練(drill的ing形式)


DRILLING 鑽孔位;鑽孔;鑽探;鑽取;rotary drilling 旋轉鑽探;回轉鑽探;旋轉鑽井;旋式孔;percussive drilling 衝擊鑽探;衝擊鑽井;衝擊鑿巖;衝擊鑽孔;percussion drilling 衝擊鑽探;沖喚鑽眼;沖魂井;沖魂;safe drilling 安全鑽井;


1.To master drilling technique is very important to drilling workers. 掌握鑽井技術對鑽井工人是十分重要的。

2.A good way to help you to improve drilling technique is to use a jet bit. 能幫助你們改進鑽井技術的一種好方法是使用噴射式鑽頭。

3.Helical flow in the annular is a common flow pattern in drilling, and it is an important engineering problem for fast and accurate calculating of the flow field and pressure gradient. 環空螺旋流是鑽井液在鑽井作業中常見的一種流型,怎樣方便、快速及高精度地計算其流速場與壓力梯度是一個重要工程問題。


Rescue workers are therefore drilling a hole on the north side of the mine. - 因此,營救人員在礦井的北側鑽了一個洞。

As it is, they have been drilling for sixteen hours and they still have a long way to go. - 實際情況是,他們已連續鑽了16個小時了,但離鑽透還早著呢。

and the search for oil has done more to improve deep drilling than any other mining activity. - 尋找石油比其他任何採礦業對改進深孔鑽探作的貢獻都要大。

They had to work inside the ship, cutting away old metal, fixing new metal plates, drilling holes, laying electrical and phone wires and fixing new pipes for water and steam. - 他們要在船艙裡工作,切掉舊的金屬,焊接新的金屬板,鑽孔,埋電線和電話線以及安裝新的水管和蒸汽管。


n. semisubmersible drilling rig - 半防水鑽架

n. exploratory drilling title - 開採訓練題目

n. drilling operation - 打鑽操作

n. drilling survey - 打鑽測量

n. horizontal drilling technique - 橫鑽技巧

n. water-base drilling fluid - 水基鑽流

n. offshore drilling rig - 海上鑽桿

n. technology for exploration, drilling and extraction of geothermal resources - 源的技術

n. hole drilling method - 炮孔法二次鑿巖

n. petroleum drilling fluid dispersal fluid dispersion - 石油鑽井流分分佈

n. drilling cost of a well - 鑽井的費用

n. drilling type cutter-loader - 鑽型切割負荷機

n. drilling accident - 鑽孔偶然性

n. drilling element - 鑽孔元素

n. drilling process - 鑽孔加工

n. drilling parameter - 鑽孔參數

n. drilling project - 鑽孔工程

n. drilling contractor - 鑽孔收縮機

n. geologic columnar section of a drilling hole - 鑽孔的地質柱狀部分

n. drilling program - 鑽孔程序

n. drilling rig - 鑽孔裝備

n. drilling record - 鑽孔記錄

n. drilling cost - 鑽孔費用

n. drilling procedure - 鑽孔過程

n. drilling speed - 鑽孔速度

n. drilling problem - 鑽孔問題

n. drilling process - 鑽探法

n. drilling derrick - 鑽機人字起重機

n. drilling efficiency - 鑽機效率

n. drilling mud overflow - 鑽機過流

n. drilling horizontal borehole - 鑽水平孔

n. drilling method - 鑽法

n. drilling tools elements - 鑽的因素

n. drilling tools - 鑽的工具

n. drilling technique - 鑽的技巧

n. drilling technology - 鑽的技術


n.濕式鑿巖 - wet drilling

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