a. smouldering
smolderingn. 悶燒,陰燃(smolder進行時形式)v. 陰燃;被抑制(smolder的ing形式,等於smoulder)
smoldering 陰燃;無焰燃燒;鬱積,悶燒;悶燒之;smoldering combustion 陰燃;smoldering fire 陰燃火;悶火;smoldering plum 碧恆彩胭脂;Smoldering myeloma 骨髓瘤;
1.When he had gathered a heap he built a fire - a smoldering, smudgy fire, and put a tin pot of water on to boil. 後來,他收集了一堆,就升起一蓬火--一蓬不旺的,冒著黑煙的火--並且放了一白鐵罐子水在上面煮著。
2.I had no desire to see the faces of the vampires they had executed, half afraid that I might recognize someone in the smoldering pyres. 我不希望去看那些被處刑的吸血鬼的臉,也是因為有些害怕在陰燃的柴堆的人是我認識的。
3.Possible the expression "he/she is like a smoldering ember", it indicates a person who has the potential for passionate feeling or action but has not yet burst into flame. 也許可以用這種說法:他/她就像死灰復燃。意思是說一個人很具有潛力擁有熱情似火的情感和狂野的行為,但還沒有發展成「熊熊烈火」。