apian['eipjən]adj. 蜜蜂的
apian 蜜蜂的;關於蜜蜂的;a project of the APEC International Assessment Network;關於養蜂的;Apian Biology 蜂群生物學;apian apiarian 蜜蜂的;Apian Pest Control 病蟲害防治;Itulah bagian Harun dan bagian anak-anaknya dari segala korban api-apian TUHAN pada hari mereka itu disuruh datang untuk memegang jabatan imam bagi TUHAN 這是從耶和華的火祭中,作亞倫受膏的分和他子孫受膏的分,正在摩西叫他們前來作祭司事奉耶和華的日子,;
1.Now, they have to import migrant apian labour. 現在,果農們不得不從外地引進蜜蜂來「打工」。
2.After the slave revolution of Spartacus, thirty thousands slaves were crucified along the Apian Way. 斯巴達克斯的奴隸起義之後,三萬名奴隸被沿著亞壁古道釘死。
3.The surprise effect of the product of great, bee of spirit of the mystery of apian kingdom, bee, people is fond of Wen Ledao. 蜜蜂王國的神秘、蜜蜂精神的偉大、蜜蜂產品的奇效,人們喜聞樂道。