a. arboreal ,dendriform ,dendroid ,dendroidal
treelike[tri:]adj.tree的變形n. 【植物】樹;喬木樹狀灌木;草本植物木製構件;木製用具樹狀物鞍架(=saddletree)= family tree鞋楦(=shoetree)【化學】樹狀晶體【數學】樹(形)【計算機】樹形【語言學】 = tree diagram[古語](耶穌受難的)十字架;絞刑架;絞首台聖誕樹( = Christmas tree)[廢語]木料;木材vt. [美國英語]驅趕…上樹: 例句:He was treed by a bull.他被公牛趕上了樹。用鞋楦楦(鞋)[美國口語]使處於困境;使陷入絕境在…上植樹: 例句:The bank of the river was well treed.河岸綠樹成陰。用樹木製造(或裝備): 例句:to tree an axle用樹木製輪軸vi. 在樹上躲避;爬上樹: 例句:The cat treed.貓爬上樹躲了起來。形成樹狀;長成樹短語: As a tree falls, so shall it lie. [諺語]樹倒在何處,就躺在何處(指事物有其必然的規律)。 [源自《聖經》]As the tree, so the fruit. [諺語]什麼樹結什麼果;有其樹必有其果。A tree is known by its fruit. [諺語]觀其果而知其樹;觀其行而知其人。A tree must be bent while it is young. [諺語]育人須趁年輕時。bark up the wrong tree[美國英語]弄錯(或攻錯)了目標;用錯精力,精力花在不該花的地方;認錯了人,找錯了地方;錯怪了人【狩獵】(獵狗)向沒有獵物的樹亂吠be at the top of the tree 見 topbe out of one's tree發瘋在陌生的地方,在異鄉cannot (或 be unable to ) see the wood(s) (或 forest) for the trees 見樹不見林;因小失大;以偏概全grow on trees (如長在樹上般)伸手可得,輕易得到in the dry tree在老年時期在逆境中,處於劣境in the green tree (或 wood )在年富力強的時期在無憂無慮的環境中[源自《聖經》]pull up trees [口語]取得大成就,完成大事業,做出偉大功績[常用於否定句]shake the pagoda tree (或 pagoda-tree) 【歷史】(在印度)迅速發財致富shake the plum tree【美國政治】政黨在選舉勝利後把官職分給黨員授予官職作為對政黨效勞的報酬the whole tree or not a cherry on it 不能全得,寧可全失;或是全部或是什麼也不要Tyburn tree [俚語]絞刑架up a (gum) tree [美國口語]處於困境;進退兩難;不知所措;困惑不解;智窮力竭,走投無路[亦作 up a gum-tree]You cannot judge a tree by its bark. [諺語]不要根據樹皮判斷樹木;人不可貌相。變形: treed , treeing
treelike 樹型;treelike crystal 枝晶;treelike drainage pattern 樹狀水系;
1.Herbs perennial, rarely shrubby or treelike, often with bulbs, corms, rhizomes, or tubers. 多年生草本,很少灌木狀或者喬木狀,通常有鱗莖,球莖,根狀莖或者塊莖。
2.The treelike visualization Scheme of "Mind map" is useful, for training learners' divergent thinking ability. 「思維導圖」具有「樹狀」結構的可視化「圖式」功能,對培養學習者發散思維能力具有一定的作用。
3.A large, tropical, treelike herb(Musa paradisiaca) of southeast Asia, resembling the banana and bearing similar fruit. 一種熱帶類似樹的大型草本植物(巴蕉屬粉芭蕉),產於亞洲東南部,形似於香蕉樹,結相似的果實。