





treesn. 樹木;喬木;樹狀結構(tree的複數)


Trees 樹木;喬木;樹枝狀結晶;森林的早晨;Decision Trees 決策樹組;決策樹;決定架構;Palm trees 棕櫚樹;揀起地上的棕樹葉;揀起地上的棕櫚葉;棕櫚樹圖片;fruit trees 果樹;Trees andSoil 樹木與土地;


1.This is what I hear all day – the trees are singing my music – or am I singing theirs? 這就是我每天聽到的,不知是樹在吟唱著我的音樂,還是我在唱著他們的歌?

2.Maybe this is only a very little corner. However, to these trees, this is their whole world. 或許這只是一個很小的角落,但對於這幾棵樹來說,面前就是整個世界。

3.This is a difficult lesson and one that the Flowering Plants, Trees and Bees choose to address. 這是一堂很艱難的課程,也是開花樹木植物和蜜蜂選擇來表達的事物。


If we're all prepared to recycle paper, thousands of trees could be saved every day. - 如果紙能被循環利用,那麼每天千千萬萬的樹木就可得以挽救。

Storms make trees take deeper roots. - 風暴使樹木深深扎根。

Storms make trees take deeper roots. - 風暴使樹木深深扎根。

What beautiful trees those are! - 那些是多麼美麗的樹呀!

They had to cut down a lot of trees to make room for farms. - 他們為了為農場增加空間不得不砍倒很多樹。

A forest fire has consumed all the trees here. - 一場森林大火將此地的樹木焚燒殆盡了。

The trees emit a fragrance of their own. - 各種樹木會發散各自獨有的氣味。

Straight trees have crooked roots. - 直樹也有曲根。

Given more attention, the trees could have grown better. - 如果悉心照料,樹會長的更好。

Storms make trees take deeper roots. - 風暴使樹林深深扎根。

A short time before, great trees had covered the countryside for miles around. - 就在不久之前,參天大樹還覆蓋著方圓數英里的土地。

In place of the great trees which had been growing there for centuries patches of green had begun to appear in the blackened soil. - 一片片的綠草開始出現在這片燒焦的土地上,代替了多少世紀以來一直生長在那裡的參天大樹。

Ripe fruit falls from the trees and you never have to work. - 成熟的水果從樹上掉下來,人們根本無需勞動。

There were hardly any trees on the island and there was no water, but this did not prove to be a problem. - 島上幾乎沒有一顆樹,也沒有淡水,但這不算什麼問題。

Nothing can be compared, he maintains, with the first cockcrow, the twittering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures. - 他堅持認為,凌晨雄雞第一聲啼叫,黎明時分小鳥吱喳歡叫,冉冉升起的朝陽染紅樹木、牧場,此番美景無與倫比。

In his mouth were the remains of fir trees -- the last meal that he had before he fell into the crevasse and broke his back. - 它嘴裡還留著冷杉 -- 它掉進冰河裂隙折斷脊椎柱之前的最後一頓飯。

Are there any trees in the picture? - 畫裡面有樹嗎?

On the farm, everything begins to grow.The trees turn green, and the flowers start to come out. - 農場裡,各種作物開始生長。樹木變綠,鮮花盛開。

It's Tree Planting Day. We're going to plant trees in the park along the lake. - 明天是植樹節。我們要去公園/沿著湖邊種樹。

A drink? We've only just started! There are twenty more trees to be planted! - 喝水?我們才剛剛開始!還有20多株樹要種呢!

Some live in large groups like the honey bee, and make their nests in trees or holes in the rocks. - 有些蜂如蜜蜂是群居在一起,在樹上或巖洞裡築巢。

We set off down the hill. At first it was easy walking over the grass. Then the grass turned to bushes and the hillside became steeper. We climbed over rocks, through trees and found it more and more difficult to get down the hill. By now we were beginnin - 我們開始下山,起初很容易地走過草地,後來草地變成了灌木叢,山峰變得更陡了。我們爬過岩石,穿過樹林,發現下山越來越難。這時我們感到疲憊,雨也下大了。我在一小塊草地上停下來,轉身看看跟在我後面的弟弟。就在這時我在兩塊岩石中間發現了一個洞。「我過去看看,」我喊?2282

We spent some time looking around under the trees for some wood. - 我們花了些時間在樹下四周找木柴。


n. trees dendrite - 樹枝晶

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