Menelausn. 斯巴達王
Menelaus 墨涅拉俄斯;墨涅拉奧斯;斯巴達王;墨涅俄斯;Jane Menelaus 簡·曼尼雷斯;Menelaus of Alexandria 勞斯;米尼勞斯(亞歷山大裡亞的);Menelaus's theorem 梅涅勞斯定理;孟氏定理;Menelaus' theorem 孟氏定理;梅涅勞斯定理;
1.Facing her charming face again, Menelaus felt it difficult to thrust his sword into her body. 再一次面對著海倫美麗的臉龐,曼紐拉斯怎麼也不忍心把劍刺入她的身體。
2.Seeing his ruin, Menelaus promised a great amount of money to Ptolemy, son of Dorymenes, in order to have the king in his favor. 默乃勞明知自己已失敗,遂許給多黎默乃的兒子僕托肋米大批金銀,託他向國王代為說情。
3.But through the corruption of the rulers, Menelaus remained in power, growing in wickedness and becoming a tyrant towards his own people. 因為有權勢的人貪污,默乃勞仍能保持原位,仍然怙惡不悛,時時處處加害本國人。