Esmeralda is captivated by Phoebus 艾絲梅拉達迷上腓比斯;Vina Esmeralda 寶石半干白;Quasimodo kills Frollo and carries Esmeralda away 加西莫多殺死加西莫多,並帶走艾絲梅拉達;Esmeralda 翡翠;花蜘蛛蘭屬;翡翠石;Bodegas Esmeralda 愛士墨拉達藏酒閣;
1.Finally, he explained about the charm that Esmeralda wore. 最後,他還解釋了艾絲米拉達身上戴的護身符。
2.Esmeralda's knife and Djali's horns were still pointing at Gringoire. 愛斯梅拉達的刀子和賈利的羊角仍在對著格蘭瓜爾。
3.He told the archdeacon that Esmeralda had married him to save his life. 他告訴副主教,艾絲米拉達嫁給他只是為了要救他一命罷了。
4.Quasinodo, the bell striker naturally macrocephalic and accepted by Notre Dame de Paris, Frollo, coadjutor and Phoebus, the leader of housecarl, they let themselves go to beautiful Esmeralda. 天生畸形、被巴黎聖母院收容而擔任敲鐘人的卡西莫多,以及聖母院的副主教弗侯洛、與侍衛隊的隊長腓比斯,都情不自禁的愛上美麗的艾絲梅拉達。