Balalaika Favorites 最受歡迎的巴拉萊卡;Storybook Favorites 故事書寵兒系列;Tidy Favorites 整潔的收藏;Kreisler Favorites 克萊斯勒小品集;sorting favorites menu order 設置該選項後,系統將會對收藏夾菜單中的文件夾進行一次排序。;
1.Your favorites transcend language barriers, so The ChoirBoys, a French movie, is also an excellent choice. 你對電影的喜愛可以超越語言的鴻溝,因此法國電影《放牛班的春天》也是不錯選擇。
2.Meanwhile, watching Assembly will make your tears flow. Your favorites transcend language barriers, so The ChoirBoys, a French movie, is also an excellent choice. 你對電影的喜愛可以超越語言的鴻溝,因此法國電影《放牛班的春天》也是不錯選擇。
3.Crepes with ice cream and berries are one of my favorites. 有冰淇淋和乾果的薄荷餅是我的最愛之一。
4.This is significant because you should not be interrupted by cryptic questions every time you install software, add a site to your favorites or change your PC settings. 這是重大的,因為你不應該打斷隱形問題,每次安裝軟件,增加一個站點到您的收藏或改變你的電腦設置。
5.Get out. -Not favorites, but, at least we're dialoguing. 出來。沒有最喜歡的,但是,至少我們在對話。
The same old favorites recur year in year out with monotonous regularity. - 相同的決心以單調的規律年復一年地出現。