





approach at the approach of 在...快到的時候;approach bridge approach span 引橋;approach action 嚙入;嚙進;A novel approach for abrogation of immunotolerance based on the recruitment and activation of dendritic cells 下一篇論文: 基於樹突狀細胞的打破免疫耐受新策略及其機制研究;approach of admonishment 誡門;


1.The main theories of this tradition can be summarized as the Aristotelian approach, the traditional linguistic approach, the pragmatic approach and the interaction approach. 傳統的有關隱喻的理論主要有亞里斯多德的隱喻理論,傳統語言學理論,語用學理論和互動理論。

2.Conclusion Inferior vena cava approach for lead extraction can be used either as a secondary approach after unsuccess from the superior approach or as a preliminary method. 結論經下腔靜脈途徑拔除起搏導線可用於經上腔靜脈途徑拔除失敗者,亦可直接選用。

3.In the course of research, the author uses many methods based on the theory of pedagogy and psychology including literature approach, experience approach and questionnaire approach. 在研究過程中,筆者以教育學、心理學等多種理論為研究基礎,綜合使用了文獻法、經驗總結法、問卷調查法等多種研究方法。

4.The hybrid forecast approach of combining the ARMA mathematical model forecast approach and Radial Basis Function neural network approach is proposed. 提出了將ARMA(自回歸滑動平均模型)數學模型預測法與基於徑向基函數的神經網絡相結合的混合預測方法。

5.There were three groups: experimental group with values clarification approach, controlled group with traditional approach, controlled group out of school with traditional approach. 研究對像共分為三組分別進行實驗教學:實驗組、校內對照組、校外對照組。


I approach things enthusastically and I don't like leaving things half done. - 我熱誠對待每件事,不喜歡半途而廢。

You approach it in a different way than I do. - 與我做比,你在一個不同的方面更接近。

I'm impressed by your approach to business. - 你們經營業務的方法給我留下了很深的印象。

The next man to approach me was selling expensive pens and watches. - 向我兜售的第二個人是賣名貴鋼筆和手錶的。

you may decide to take an aggressive approach -- - 你可能會採取一種積極進取的方式

I'm impressed by your approach to business. - 你們經營業務的方法給我留下了很深的印象。


n. approach distance of search unit - 探頭接近距離

n. approach speed - 接近速率

n. approach distance of search unit - 搜索裝置接近距離

n. approach of die - 模具引槽

n. approach of die - 模制研究

n. beneficiation approach of coal - 煤礦選礦法

n. approach speed - 進場速率

n. approach speed - 駛近速率


前進入 - anterior approach

前外側進路 - anterolateral approach

前內進入 - anteromedial approach

臨床方法 - clinical approach

n.超熱力學法 - extrathermodynamic approach

n.淋巴細胞檢測法,淋巴細胞免疫反應鑒定 - lymphocyte defined approach

內側入路 - medial approach

後方進路 - posterior approach

後內側進路 - posteromedial approach

n.經頸部切除法 - resection through cervical approach

醫療方法 - therapeutic approach

好方法 - wellness approach

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