good-looking nice-looking clean-cut nice 好看的;good-looking nice-looking clean-cut nice 好看的;distinctly important 極為重要的,非常重要的;Analysis of Effectiveness on the Protection and Dissimulation of Important Traffic Facilities Based on Attacking of Guided Missile Weapon 基於制導武器攻擊的重要交通設施偽裝防護效果分析;all-important allimportant 非常重要的;
1.Our gallery is based on stable academicism, and the objective is grasping at contemporary trends, looking at artistic predecessors with reverence and looking to the future. 畫廊以堅實的學院為背景,把握當代、瞻仰前輩、關注未來為宗旨。
2.Patriotism is easy to understand in America; it means looking out for yourself by looking out for your country. --Calvin Coolidge. 愛國主義在美國是很容易理解的;它意味著用警惕你的國家的方式警惕自己。——凱文·柯立芝。
3.Weird, humanoid-looking figures stand around, looking on while the terrified fellow is caught in an eerie state of immobility. 旁邊站著一群怪異的有人某些特徵的東西,試圖知道這些是否處於靜止狀態。
4.With WAIS, you enter a set of words that describe what you're looking for, and WAIS digs through whatever libraries you specify, looking for document that match your request. 借助WAIS,你可輸入一組詞,表明你要查找的東西,WAIS就通過你指定的詞去尋找你所要求的文件。
5.De Ravin: They'd been looking to cast my role for a while, looking at a lot of different girls. 他們尋找我這個角色的演員已經有段時間了,找了不少類型的女孩。