





distinctly important 極為重要的,非常重要的;Analysis of Effectiveness on the Protection and Dissimulation of Important Traffic Facilities Based on Attacking of Guided Missile Weapon 基於制導武器攻擊的重要交通設施偽裝防護效果分析;all-important allimportant 非常重要的;all-important allimportant 非常重要的;be all-important 十分重要;


1.Progress is more important than foundation. Diligence is more important than intelligence. Ambition is more important than wealthiness. 不比基礎比發展,不比聰明比勤奮,不比闊氣比志氣。

2.As an important oil and industrial crop, and an important foreign exchange earning agricultural product in China, peanut occupies an important status in china's agricultural production. 作為重要的油料和經濟作物,同時還是我國重要的出口創匯農產品,花生在我國農業生產中佔有重要的地位。

3.Allethrolone is an important intermediate in chiral synthesis of allethrin, so it is important to find out a good way to separate the enantiomer. 烯丙醇酮是合成高效低毒殺蟲劑烯丙菊酯的重要中間體之一,尋求一種好的拆分外消旋體烯丙醇酮的方法是極其重要的。

4.Glutathione is an important active substance in body. Its the important agon in many enzyme reactions, which can scavenge free radical and detoxicate. 谷胱甘肽是機體內重要的活性物質,是許多酶反應的輔基,具有清除自由基、解毒等多種生理功能。

5.Gene and protein are important signs of biological oneness, but sugar chain is the best important sign of biological variety. 基因和蛋白質是生物統一性的重要標誌,而糖鏈則是生物多樣性最重要的標誌分子。


What do you consider important when looking for a job? - 你選擇工作時主要考慮是什麼?

What is the most important thing for you to be happy? - 你認為對你來說開心最重要的是什麼?

I maintain that the most important thing is having good friends. - 我認為最重要的是有好朋友。

It's such an important decision. - 這是一個如此重要的決定。

It's important to her. - 這對她來說很重要。

But Christmas is the most important holiday of the year. - 但是聖誕節是一年當中最重要的節日。

Yes. It's the anniversary of one of our important revolutionary movements. - 是的。它是中國一個重大革命運動的紀念日。

Yes, I think it's important for me to be there - 是的 ,我想我在場是非常重要的。

It's not an important game, anyway. - 話說回來, 這場比賽不重要。

Now, the important thing is to get the hook close to the fish. - 現在最重要的是讓魚鉤靠近魚。

No, I think it's important to do it now. - 不 ,我覺得還是應該現在動手術。

but this is an important opportunity. - 但這是一次很重要的機會。

that this interview could be an important experience for you. - 這次面談是一次很好的經驗。

The most important thing is for you to decide your own future. - 最重要的是你要自己決定自己的未來。

and this is an important decision we have to make. - 這又是我們必須做的一個重大決定。

They can keep a record of all of the important dates - 他們可以記錄下重要的日子。

it's ... it's important for Michelle to see us together more often. - 讓 Michelle看到我們更常在一起是……是很重要的。

That's important for us. - 這對我們很重要。

he'll be an important decision-maker - 他將成為一個重要的決策者

English is important for those who wish to do international trade. - 英語對於那些想做國際貿易的人來說太重要了。

and how important it is for them to be paid attention to? - 以及他們何等需要受人關懷吧?

are important for the sales of your book. - 對於你這本書的銷售很重要。

one of the most important syndicated reviewers in the country. - 我國最重要的報團評論家之一。

It's important for you to keep a cool head at this moment. - 這時候保持頭腦冷靜是很重要的。

The important thing is that you tried. - 重要的是你已經努力過了。

I studied fashion design in university but they can't teach you the natural talent which is such an important part of it. - 我曾經在大學裡學過時裝設計,但在這方面有天賦的老師卻無法教授,而天賦對時裝設計又是極其重要的。

Learning to express oneself well in an important part of education. - 學會把意思表達清楚是受教育的一個重要方面。

We have a very important meeting on at the moment. - 現在我們正在開一個非常重要的會。

What is important to you in a job? - 對你來講,工作中什麼是最重要的?

Learning to express onself well is an important part of education. - 學會把意思表達清楚是受教育的一個重要方面。

Because the United States is the most important trade partner. - 因為美國是我們最重要的貿易夥伴。

I have learned the most important language by meeting a wide range of people from different cultures. - 我接觸到許多來自不同文化的人,掌握了最重要的語言。

It is important to speak directly and clearly about your subject. - 直接了當且明白清楚地說明自己的目的是很重要的。

Quality is more important that quantity. - 質量比數量更重要。

The most important festival in China is the Spring Festival. - 中國國,最重要的節日是春節。

Happiness in my work is most important to me. - 工作中的樂趣對我來說最重要。

He made an important contribution to the company's success. - 他對公司的成功做出了重要的貢獻。

Being happy in my work is most important to me. - 工作中開心最重要。

Quality is even more important than quantity. - 質量比數量更為重要。

We must stress that these payment terms are very important to us. - 我們必須強調這些付款條件對我們很重要。

I don't think price is a problem. The most important thing is that how many you can supply. - 我認為價格不成問題。最重要的是你方能供貨多少。

Please lend an ear to this man's important news. - 請注意傾聽有關這個男人的重大新聞。

That important man is very unassuming in his manner. - 那個要人彬彬有禮,是一位毫不擺架子的人。

Imagination is more important than knowledge. - 想像力比知識更重要。

It is important for us to express our opinions. - 對我們來說,表達我們的意願很重要。

It is more important to be healthy than bony slim. - 健康永遠比皮包骨頭好。

He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic. - 他將參加一次重大的橫渡大西洋的比賽。

' But they don't realize one important thing. - 」然而他們沒有認識到重要的一點,

Later we learnt that there was a very important person on board. - 後來我們才得知,飛機上坐了一位非常重要的人物。

The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts, - 記者立即出發去核實這些重要的事實,


seven important portals - 七衝門

wound of important acupoint - 穴道傷

very important patient - 重要患者

n. important metals - 重要金屬


n.七衝門 - seven important portals

n.重要患者 - very important patient

n.穴道傷 - wound of important acupoint

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