





n. hurting ,nuisance ,pain sensation ,painfulnessv. afflict ,ail ,anguish ,hurt


n. pleasance ,pleasure


pain[pein]n. 疼痛;努力vt. 使…痛苦;使…煩惱vi. 感到疼痛;引起疼痛


pain 疼,痛;痛苦;疼痛;痛苦,傷害, 悲哀;Burning Pain 燒痛;灼痛;燒灼痛;灼熱痛;Sharp Pain 刺痛;銳痛;剌痛;劇痛;Continuous Pain 持續痛;持續性疼痛;釋義:持續痛;繼續性疼痛;Tearing Pain 裂痛;撕裂痛;撕


1.It pains her to have to go there. 不得不去那兒使得她很煩惱。

2.Pain is short and joy is eternal. 痛苦是短暫的,歡樂是永遠的。

3.Do you feel the rain over the pain? 你感覺到淋濕了痛苦的這場雨嗎?


and the pain is so bad. - 疼得很厲害。

It's a pain in the neck. - 那真是件麻煩事

She's such a pain in the neck. - 她是個如此討厭的人。

It's a pain in the neck having to meet them at the airport. - 必須到機場去接他們,真討厭。

I've got a pain in my back. - 我的後背有點疼痛。

I've got a pain in my neck. - 我的脖子痛。

I've got a pain in my throat. - 我的喉嚨痛。

I've got a slight pain in my knee. - 我的膝蓋有點痛。

I've got a slight pain in my teeth. - 我的牙有點痛。

I've got a terrible pain in my back. - 我的背很痛。

I've got a terrible pain in my stomach. - 我的胃很痛。

It is more pain to do nothing than something. - 什麼都不做要比做一點更不好受。

Knowledge will not be aquired without pain and application. - 不花力氣,不下功夫是得不到知識的。

No man learns but by pain or shame. - 不經痛苦羞辱,難以取得教訓。

Take a pain for a pleasure all wise men can. - 智者皆能視苦為樂。

The pain of the mind is worse than the pain of the body. - 心頭的痛苦比肉體的痛苦更厲害。

When the wound is healed, the pain is forgotten. - 好了傷疤忘了痛。

Sounds like a pain in the ass. - 聽起來很麻煩。

It's a pain in the neck. - 這真是苦不堪言。

I assure you that you will feel no pain at all. - 我保證你根本不會覺得疼的。

You're a pain in the ass. - 你這討厭鬼。

I've got a pain here. Just here. Ouch! - 我這兒痛。就這兒。哎喲!

There's something wrong with my left shoulder. I hurt it while I was doing gym. I've got a pain here too. - 我的左肩疼痛。我做體操時受傷了。這裡也疼。


general pain an dheaviness - 一身痛重

abdominal pain due to injury - 傷損腹痛

double pain sensation - 二重痛覺

he has terrible pain in the back - 他背部劇痛

swelling with bearing-down pain of one testis - 偏墜

hypochondriac pain due to fluid retention - 停飲脅痛

congenital indifference to pain syndrome - 先天性痛覺喪失綜合征

precordial pain due to cold - 冷氣心痛

stabbing pain is pain like being prickled - 刺痛即疼痛如針之狀

abrupt pain and swelling of testes - 卒疝

ppressure pain point - 壓痛點

precordial pain with cold limbs - 厥心痛

abdominal pain with cold limbs - 厥疝

pain in the right hypochondrium - 右脅痛

masticatory pain dysfunction - 咀嚼疼痛性機能障礙

relieving pain by regulating the nutrient system - 和營止痛

epigastric pain due to blood stasis - 四白

numbness of limbs; numbness of the extremities; pain in the legs and numbness of the extremities - 四肢麻木

bearing-down pain of scrotum - 外腎吊痛

precordial pain due to loss of blood; prevordial pain due to loss of the blood - 失血心痛

pain in the lower abdomen - 少腹痛

abdominal pain due to cold - 寒冷腹痛

abdominal pain due to accumulation of cold; abdominal pain due to accumulation of cold evil - 寒積腹痛

difficulty and pain in micturition - 小便澀痛

burning pain in urethra - 尿道灼痛

pain in the left hypochondrium - 左脅痛

hypochondriac pain due to fright - 驚傷脅痛

chest pain radiating to the back - 心痛乇背

chest pain radiating to the back - 心痛徹背

indistinct pain in the precordial region - 心痛隱隱

cry of infant due to pain in the chest or abdomen - 心腹痛啼

acute abdominal pain colic intestinal colic; acute abdominalgia - 急性腹痛

slight pressure pain in the affected part - 患部輕微壓縮

epigastric pain with palitation; epigastric pain with palpitation - 悸心痛

feel difficulty and pain in micturition - 感到小便澀痛

contracture and pain of fingers - 手指攣痛

severe pain of the thigh - 折髀

pain sense of finger - 指痛覺

lower abdominal pain radiating to testes - 控睪

precordial pain due to metrorrhagia - 殺血心痛

hypochondriac pain due to blood stasis - 死血心痛

chest pain aroused by emotional factors - 氣心痛

abdominal pain due to stagnation of qi - 氣滯腹痛

lower abdominal pain elated to qi; lower abdominal pain related to qi - 氣疝

pain due to disorder of qi - 氣痛

abdominal pain due to stagnation of qi - 氣結腹痛

hypochondriac pain due to stagnation of qi - 氣鬱脅痛

deep pain sensation - 深部疼痛

hypochondriac pain due to damp-heat - 濕熱脅痛

abdominal pain due to damp-heat pathogen - 濕熱腹痛


n.隱痛,隱隱作痛 - a dull pain

n.一陣痛苦 - a spasm of pain

n.肚子痛,腹痛 - abdominal pain

n.寒積腹痛 - abdominal pain due to accumulation of cold

n.寒積腹痛 - abdominal pain due to accumulation of cold evil

n.血瘀腹痛 - abdominal pain due to blood stasis

n.寒冷腹痛 - abdominal pain due to cold

n.濕熱腹痛 - abdominal pain due to damp-heat pathogen

n.血虛腹痛 - abdominal pain due to deficiency of blood

n.食積腹痛 - abdominal pain due to indigestion

n.傷損腹痛 - abdominal pain due to injury

n.食積腹痛 - abdominal pain due to reention of food

n.血滯腹痛 - abdominal pain due to stagnation of blood

n.氣結腹痛;n.氣滯腹痛 - abdominal pain due to stagnation of qi

n.厥疝 - abdominal pain with cold limbs

n.腹痛下墮 - abdominal pain with tenesmus

n.脘腹脹痛 - abdominal swelling and pain

n.卒疝 - abrupt pain and swelling of testes

n.酸痛 - aching pain

n.活絡止痛 - activating collaterals to relieve pain

n.腸絞痛,急性腹痛 - acute abdominal pain colic intestinal colic

n.急性下腹痛 - acute lower abdominal pain

急性痛 - acute pain

n.蟲積腹痛 - adbominal pain due to enterositosis

補肋關節炎痛法 - adjuvant arthritis pain method

n.痛覺傳入纖維 - afferent pain fiber

n.止痛 - alleviating pain

心絞痛,咽峽痛 - anginal pain

n.止痛 - arrest pain

n.止痛 - assuaging pain

墜痛,分娩痛 - bearing-down pain

n.外腎吊痛 - bearing-down pain of scrotum

n.經行身痛 - bodily pain during menstruation

骨痛 - bone pain

n.鑽痛 - boring pain

n.燒灼痛,灼痛 - burning pain

n.尿道灼痛 - burning pain in urethra

癌性疼痛 - cancer pain

癌性冷痛 - carcinomatous pain

n.心原性疼痛 - cardiogenic pain

n.中樞疼痛 - central pain

n.落枕頸痛 - cervical pain due to stiffneck

n.胸背疼痛,胸膺背痛 - chest and back pain

n.胸痛 - chest pain

n.氣心痛 - chest pain aroused by emotional factors

n.心痛徹背,心痛乇背 - chest pain radiating to the back

n.無痛分娩 - childbirth without pain

n.腰膝冷痛 - chills and pain of the waist and hness

n.冷痛 - cold pain

n.絞痛 - colicky pain


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