Toolpusher 大斜度井測井系統;鑽井隊長;帶班隊長;技師/帶班隊長;a toolpusher 隊長,技師;Senior Toolpusher 高級隊長;高級鑽井隊長;Junior Toolpusher 值班隊長;
1.All the necessary materials having been shipped, the Chinese toolpusher and American toolpusher began to examine them. 所需要的全部材料運到以後,中、美雙方技師開始進行檢驗。
2.Observed damage on or to any equipment will be recorded in the tour book and reported to the Driller and the Toolpusher. 觀測到的損壞情況要記錄在班報表上,並報告給司鑽和帶班隊長。
3.When breaking out singles, any problem connection must be marked, recorded in the Tally Book and reported to the Toolpusher. 當卸扣時,有問題的接頭要劃上記號,記錄在鑽具記錄本上,並向帶班隊長匯報。