graceless ill-mannered barbaric gross ill-bred insolent 粗野的;graceless ill-mannered barbaric gross ill-bred insolent 粗野的;ill-fated ill-omened inauspicious infelicitous portentous 不吉的;ill-fated ill-omened inauspicious infelicitous portentous 不吉的;mentally ill psychologically ill 患精神病;
1.She neither sentimentalized the Chechen rebels nor demonized the Russian conscripts—ill-armed, ill-fed and ill-led—who have crushed the Chechens' half-baked independence. 在她的筆下,車臣叛軍不是悲劇英雄,俄國士兵亦非十惡不赦的魔鬼——部隊裝備簡陋、後勤糟糕、領導無能——縱然他們扼殺了車臣獨立的種子。
2.The year or date chosen to set an index at 100. Any year can be chosen as a base year, but … 將一項指數設為100的年份稱為基年,廣泛應用於宏觀經濟數據的編制上。任何年份皆可選作基年,但一般以較…
3.Suppose you could have chosen another role in AOTC, without considering your age and physical type: which role would you have chosen and why? 假設你能在AOTC中另挑一個角色來演而不考慮年齡和體型:你會選哪一個角色,為什麼?
4.Methods Besaier statistical method was chosen to process the data of the samples, Z-Score was chosen to evaluate the results and experimental deviation. 方法採用貝塞爾統計方法處理樣本數據,用Z比分數衡量一個實驗室的檢測結果與平均值的偏離程度。
5.But these bishops and abbots who rob the poor, and the high sheriffs who bind and beat them, cropping their ears and cruelly ill—treating them, these you shall lighten of their ill—gotten gains. 但是那些主教和僧侶們搶窮人的東西,居高位的郡長捆綁他們,打他們,割他們的耳朵,殘酷粗暴地對待他們,這些人你們應該減少他不義得來的利益;