





n. baby ,fry ,kid ,minor


n. parent


child[tʃaild]n. 兒童,孩子;產物;子孫


Child 兒童;孩子;蔡爾德;子(注:構成詞組);love child 私生子;非婚生子女;愛情所生的孩子;硬搖滾;illegitimate child 非婚生子女;私生子;私生子,非婚生子 私生子,非婚生子;私生子,非婚生子;child code 子代碼;子程序代碼;子程序代碼 子程式碼;foster child 寄養子女;養子;養子,養女;寄養兒童;


1.Her child was a joy to her. 小孩子是父母親的一大歡樂。

2.Could you dress the child for me? 你能替我給孩子穿好衣服嗎?

3.The poor child has nothing to eat. 那可憐的孩子沒有東西可吃。


If I had a child as cute as Max, - 假如我有一個像Max這樣可愛的孩子,

What do you call this? A tow year old child could have done a better job! - 你是怎麼回事?就連兩歲的孩子都可以比這做得更好!

This couple treats their adopted child as their own. - 這對夫婦把他們的養子視如己出。

This small child is quite self-centered. Maybe he is spoiled by his family. - 這個小孩挺以自我為中心的,可能是被家人寵壞了。

With a shortage of chromosomes, a developing fetus will likely grow into a child with down syndrome. - 如果缺省染色體,一個處於成長階段的胚胎可能發育成一個具有不良綜合症的小孩。

That child behaves just as he pleases. - 那孩子想幹什麼就幹什麼。

We were exposed to the latest theories on child care. - 我們接觸過有關幻兒保育的最新理論。

That means the child is already one year older. - 那意 味著孩子又長大了一歲。

The child embarrassed me by asking unexpected questions. - 那小孩問了些出乎意料的問題使我困窘。

The child behaved so rudely that he put his father to shame. - 這孩子舉止非常無禮,使他的父親感到羞恥。

In elementary school,the child learns to read and write. - 在小學,孩子學習讀寫。

My favorite game when I was a child was making snow angels in the freshly fallen snow. - 我在孩提時代最喜歡玩的遊戲,是在剛下的雪上堆雪天使。

The timid child would not leave his mother's side. - 那個膽小的孩子不願離開母親。

Quick! Seize that child before she falls down. - 快!趁還沒掉下去,快抓住那孩子。

A burnt child dreads the fire. - 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩。

A little child is the sweetest and purest thing in the world. - 幼兒是世界上最可愛和最純潔的。

Burnt child dreads the fire. - 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩。

Every mother's child is handsome. - 老王賣瓜,自賣自誇。

Silly(=good) child is soon ylered(=taught). - 好小孩,學得快。

The best horse needs breaking, and the aptest child needs teaching. - 玉不琢不成器。

The best horse needs breaking,and the aptest child needs teaching. - 最好的馬兒要人馴,最伶俐的孩子要人訓。

The best horse needs breeding, and the aptest child needs teaching. - 最好的馬要馴,最伶俐的孩子要教。

The child is father of (or to) the man. - 三歲定終身。

The child is father of the man. - 三歲定到老。

The child sobbed sadly. - 小孩傷心地抽泣著。

Even a child can answer this question. - 即使小孩兒都能回答這個問題。

The mother sat the child at a little table. - 母親安排孩子坐到小桌旁。

Let us suppose that a child suddenly crosses the road in front of you. - 讓我們假設一個小孩子突然在你前面穿過馬路。

They were expecting their sixth child and were faced with even more pressing economic problems. - 第6個孩子即將問世,他們面臨著更為嚴峻的經濟問題。

He had lived in it as a child when it was already disappearing, - 作為一個孩子他曾在西部生活過,當時西部拓荒生活正在消失。

The child learning to see, first distinguishes only two-dimensional shape; - 正在學看東西的兒童起初只會分辨二維形態,

But, in contrast, it is only in modern times that Galileo has become a problem child for historians of science. - 但是相比之下,只是在現代對於科學史家來說,伽利略才變成一個新的難題。

There, a child grows up under the ever-present attention of his parents; - 荒涼地區的孩子無時無刻不在父母關懷下成長。

Before very long the parents will be complaining that the child is so secretive and never tells them anything, - 不要很久,家長就會抱怨孩子守口如瓶,什麼事也不告訴他們,

and realized that it was a sign that the child was growing up and developing valuable powers of observation and independent judgment, - 並且意識到這象徵著孩子們正在成熟和發展寶貴的觀察力、獨立判斷力,

and therefore would not drive the child into opposition by resenting and resisting it. - 也就不會由於怨恨和牴觸這種反應,而把孩子推到自己的對立面去。

What the child cannot forgive is the parents' refusal to admit these charges if the child knows them to be true. - 父母錯了,孩子們也看出來了,可是做父母的還不肯承認。

but on the whole this is a healthier attitude both for the child and the parent. - 但總地來看,孩子和家長雙方態度都比較端正。

Every child that is born into his group will share them with him, - 每一個和他誕生在同一個社團中的孩子和他一樣具有相同的風俗;

and no child born into one on the opposite side of the globe can ever achieve the thousandth part. - 在地球的另一邊,誕生在另一個社團的孩子與他就很少有相同的風俗。

At the age of eight, he joined a group of child dancers. - 8歲時參加了兒童舞蹈團。

A child ran into the street and knocked her off her bicycle. - 一個孩子衝上馬路,把她從車上撞了下來。


child health clinic - 兒童保健門診

child health; child hygiene - 兒童衛生

child development; childhood development - 兒童發育

child schizophreniform psychosis - 兒童型精神分裂樣精神病

child psychology - 兒童心理學

child acute laryngitis - 兒童急性喉炎

child sanatorium - 兒童療養院

child bed - 兒童病床

child neurosis - 兒童神經官能症

child nervosity; child nervousness - 兒童神經質

child welfare; childwelfare - 兒童福利

child paychiatry - 兒童精神病學

child cerebral gigantism - 兒童腦性巨人症

child behavior - 兒童行為

vulnerable child syndrome - 兒童重病後綜合征

child orthopaedic operating table - 兒童骨科手術台

tattered child syndrome - 受虐兒童綜合征

mother and child health care - 婦幼保健

mother and child health statistics - 婦幼保健統計

maternity and child care network - 婦幼保健網

maternity and child hygiene - 婦幼衛生

pi of pregnancy; qi of the child organ - 子氣

child health care - 小兒保健


異常兒童 - abnormal child

被虐待兒 - abused child

小兒成人病 - adult-type disease of child

變應性兒 - allergic child

人工餵養兒 - artificial feeding child

氣喘兒 - asthmatic child

n.受虐兒童 - battered child

兒童被摧殘造成的綜合症 - battered child syndorome

受虐待兒童綜合症 - battered child syndrome

遺尿兒 - bed-wetting child

母乳餵養兒 - breast-fed child

腦形成兒 - cerebral plasy child

育兒漫畫 - comic of child rearing

肢體不自由兒,跛兒 - crippled child

病兒照顧 - day care for sick child

死兒 - dead child

n.聾啞兒童 - deaf-mute child

n.小兒耳鏡 - ear speculum for child

情緒障礙兒 - emotionally disturbed child

異常兒童 - exceptional child

熱性兒 - febrile convulsion child

低能兒 - feeble-minded child

n.低能兒 - feebleminded child

頭胎兒,第一個出生的孩子 - first-born child

幼兒藥用量式 - formula for calculating child dose

養著孩子,撫養孩子 - foster child

n.殘廢兒童 - handicapped child

心臟病兒童 - heart disease child

處於高危險的小孩 - high risk child

n.盤腸氣痛 - intestinal colic in child

兒童的頑固性疾病 - intractable disease of child

母子衛生,母子保健 - maternal and child health

母子保健法 - Maternal and Child Health Law

母子醫療保健 - maternal and child medical care

n.婦幼保健網 - maternity and child care network

n.婦幼衛生 - maternity and child hygiene

患腦膜炎嬰幼兒 - meningitis infant and child

智力障礙性兒童 - mentally retarded child

n.婦幼保健 - mother and child health care

n.婦幼保健統計 - mother and child health statistics

母嬰免疫性疾病 - mother and child immunity disease

母嬰直接接觸性傳染 - mother to child vertical contagion

肌強直 - myotonic dystrophy child

新藍 - new born child

獨生子 - only child

體強兒童 - physically perfect child

體格弱兒童 - physically weak child

n.早產活嬰 - premature birth living child

n.問題兒童 - problem child

身心殘疾性兒童 - psychosomatic disabled child


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