messier['mesi]adj.messy的變形adj. 不整潔的;混亂的;雜亂的;紊亂的骯髒的;邋遢的難辦的;令人為難的;棘手的[口語]精神(或心理)上混亂的變形: messier , messiest
Messier 梅西耶;梅西爾;默西埃;梅西葉;Charles Messier 梅西耶;梅西葉;梅西爾;梅西爾;Messier 62 M62 球狀星團;M62 (球狀星團);Messier 4 M4星團;M4 (球狀星團);Mark Messier 密西亞;
1.They are relatively high IQ, be able to chaotic and hectic world, messier, seize the fundamental and crucial to propose solutions to the problem. 他們智商比較高,能夠把無序而紛亂的世界理出頭緒,抓住根本和要害,從而提出解決問題的方法。
2.Flying in the face of this view, Messier Services continues to expand, recently opening a new landing gear overhaul facility in Queretaro, Mexico. 梅西埃-道蒂公司持續不斷地擴展,目前在墨西哥州的克雷塔羅新設了起落架大修基地。
3.But since the Senate has an even stronger rural bias than the House and requires a supermajority of 60 to avoid filibusters, things could get even messier. 但是,和眾議院相比,參議院有更強的農業傾向,更需要有絕對多數的60票來防止議案受阻撓,事情會變得更加棘手。