subjecting['sʌbdʒikt, -dʒe-, səb'dʒekt]n. 主題;科目;主語;國民adj. 服從的;易患…的;受制於…的vt. 使…隸屬;使屈從於…
subjecting 服從;crime of subjecting imprisoned persons to corporal punishment and maltreatment 體罰虐待被監管人罪;
1.It is a bounden duty for a soldier to be subjected to the orders. 服從命令是軍人的天職。
2.Leak testing means subjecting a bolted or screw jointed system to a pressure or vacuum sufficient to show up any inadequate seal. 洩漏測試指使經螺栓或螺絲連接的系統承受一種足以表現出任何密封不當的壓力或負壓(真空)。
3.Furthermore, humans have the ability to modify the environment in which they live, thus subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies. 而且,人類還有能力改變自己的生存環境,從而使所有其它形態的生命服從人類自己獨特的想法和想像。