catch-canadj. 無計劃的;用一切辦法的
catch-can 用盡辦法的;用一切辦法的;catch-as-catch-can 想方設法;自由式摔角;自由式摔跤:;T Catch-As-Catch-Can 垃圾搖滾;catch-as-catch-can catch-can hit-or-miss planless 無計劃的;
1.But all he heard was: 'In future you are never to use Catch-Can techniques when you spar with His Majesty. 卻聽得海老公道:「你以後再也不能用大擒拿手跟皇上扭打了。
2.'The three moves I've just shown you, ' said the Leader, 'involve three main branches of kungfu: Catch-Can, Striking the Points, and what we call Flying. 洪安通道:「我教你的雖只三招,但其中包含擒拿、打穴、輕身三門功夫,有一項練得不到家,這三招便使不出。
3.But what you have told me changes everything. If he is part of the Wudang Lineage, then I shall have to teach you all eighteen forms of the Greater Catch-Can. 可是眼前局面有點兒不同了,這小子果是武當派嫡系,這一十八路大擒拿手,便須一招一式的從頭教起。