r. a great deal ,frequently ,much ,oft
r. infrequently ,rarely ,seldom
often['ɔfən, 'ɔftən, 'ɔ:-]adv. 常常,時常
often 常常;時常;經常;常常,經常;how often 多久一次;Laugh often 笑口常開;笑口長開;too often 太頻繁;More often 鄉村搖滾;更多的時候;(比較級) 更經常地;
1.Do your friends often write to you? 你的朋友們經常給你寫信嗎?
2.She often sits alone in the shadow. 她時常獨自一人坐在蔭暗處。
3.After supper I often do my homework. 晚餐以後我通常做家庭作業。
What do you often do in your spare time? - 你在業餘時間都幹些啥?
How often do you go running? - 你多久跑步鍛煉一次?
Dad often works late, - 爸爸老是工作到很晚,
He often fails to keep his word. - 他常常不遵守諾言。
What do you often eat for supper? - 你晚飯通常吃什麼?
While sitting on the bus I often meet interesting people. - 乘車時,我經常碰到一些有趣的人。
The way people act in private is often quite different to how they act when in public. - 人們私下的行為跟公共場合的行為是截然不同的。
He sees her often but doesn't want to get too involved. - 他常與她來往,但不願用情太深。
The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible. - 學習一門語言的方法就是要盡量多地操練說出它來。
In America, being highly educated often over-qualifies you for many jobs. - 在美國,學歷過高會使你得不到工作。
The message is often a famous quotation, religious principle or short poem. - 格言經常是一句著名的名言、宗教教條或短詩。
Indirect communication is often considered as dishonest and tactical. - 間接的溝通往往被認為是不誠實和具策略性的。
How often do you go swimming? - 你多久去游一次泳?
Although men are very different, often they have the same feelings. - 人們雖然各自迥然不同,但是都具有相同的感情。
This kind of article is often bought as a gift, so exquisite and tasteful design is of prime importance. - 人們購買這種商品通常用來贈親友,所以精美高雅的設計至關重要。
Fishing is often frustrating. - 釣魚常常會遭到挫敗。
Do you often doubt yourself? - 你時常懷疑自己嗎?
Graduation is often the last moment of childhood. - 畢業往往意味著兒童時期的結束。
She wants me to come as often as possible. - 她希望我盡可能常來。
Strong coffee often has a bitter taste. - 濃咖啡通常有苦味道。
Do you often do composition after school? - 你常常在放學後做作文嗎?
Do you often do work during the holidays? - 你常常在假日期間做工作嗎?
Do you often learn geography on the weekend? - 你常常在週末學地理嗎?
Do you often play bridge on Saturday? - 你常常在星期六玩橋牌嗎?
Do you often play tennis on Sunday? - 你常常在星期日打網球嗎?
Do you often study history on Saturday? - 你常常在星期六學歷史嗎?
Do you often work for Mr.stone during the holidays? - 你常常在假日期間為斯通先生工作嗎?
He often plays cards. - 他常常玩撲克牌。
He often plays golf. - 他常常去打高爾夫球。
How often did I tell you not to say a word? - 我告訴你多少次不要講話?
How often did I tell you not to slam the door? - 我告訴你多少次不要砰然關門?
How often did I tell you not to speak so loud? - 我告訴你多少次不要講話這麼大聲?
How often did I tell you not to yell in the house? - 我告訴你多少次不要在房子裡大叫?
How often did I tell you to keep quiet? - 我告訴你多少次要安靜?
How often did I tell you to speak clearly? - 我告訴你多少次要講清楚?
How often did I tell you to take your time? - 我告訴你多少次要慢慢來?
I often brush my teeth in the morning. - 我常常在早上刷牙。
I often comb my hair in the morning. - 我常常在早上梳頭。
I often do home work in the afternoon. - 我常常在下午做功課。
I often finish school in the afternoon. - 我常常在下午放學。
I often get up in the morning. - 我常常在早上起床。
I often go home at noon. - 我常常在中午回家。
I often go out in the morning. - 我常常在早上出門。
I often go to bad at night. - 我常常在晚上睡覺。
I often go to market in the afternoon. - 我常常在下午去市場。
I often go to school in the morning. - 我常常在早上去學校。
I often go to the office in the morning. - 我常常在早上去辦公室。
I often go to work in the morning. - 我常常在早上去工作。
I often have breakfast in the morning. - 我常常在早上吃早餐。
I often have lunch at noon. - 我常常在中午吃午飯。
often seen in cases with - 多屬於
be often used with - 常與同用
I often have puffiness of face in the morning - 我早晨臉總浮腫
i'm often waked by serious itching - 癢得我睡不著
n.常與同用 - be often used with
n.癢得我睡不著 - i'm often waked by serious itching
n.我早晨臉總浮腫 - I often have puffiness of face in the morning