sublinear[sʌb'liniə]n. 亞線性adj. 亞線性的
sublinear 亞線性;亞線性的;次線性的;亞線性 次線性的;sublinear functional 次線性泛函;
1.In this article, we study a kind of sublinear second-order Hamiltonian systems with elastic impactionand obtain infinite subharmonic solutions. 本文討論了一類帶有碰撞的次線性哈密頓系統,得到了無窮多次調和解的存在性。
2.In this paper, we prove a sufficent and necessary condition of existence for the solution of a kind of sublinear singular bound ary value problem. 證明了一類含脈衝次線性奇異邊值問題解存在的充要性條件,推廣了以前的相應結果。
3.Our methods also work for elliptic problems with superlinear or sublinear superlinear nonlinearities etc, which extended widely the applications of the Mountain Pass Theorem. 同時,這一方法也適用於超線性、混合非線性等情形,大大擴展了山路引理的應用範圍。