1.Residual effects from these conditions can cause long-term scarring and "pock marks". 長期的重度痤瘡會導致皮膚長期性的疤痕和痘印。
2.Scattered over the snow-covered, frozen ground and swamp were bushes stabbing their way up through the drifts like black pock marks on the face of the bleak prairie. 在雪蓋的凍土地和沼澤上,稀疏的灌木叢刺破積雪,星羅棋布地、黑斑斑地佈滿荒原。
3.plasma-burnt flesh quickly transforms into suppurating scars, bullet wounds become oozing pock marks and tissue shredded by las-blasts forms into warty, crusted scabs. 電漿武器燒過的血肉迅速化為膿創,彈孔化為滲液的凹疤,激光爆裂的組織外表會長出覆蓋厚皮的瘤包。