





take a risk run a risk adventure brave 冒險;take a risk run a risk adventure brave 冒險;acceptable risk 可接受的風險;可接受的風險;可接受風險;受風險;abnormal risk 特殊風險;異常風險;異常的保險標的;異常危險;Actuarial Risk 精算風險;


1.In traditional in-store shopping environment, there are six types of perceived risk, financial risk, performance risk, physical risk, psychological risk, social risk and time risk. 從消費者角度,探討了其對網上購物感知風險情況,以及這種風險感知對其行為的影響。

2.The results shows: the consumers" perceived risk can divide into six facets: the function risk, the value risk, the time risk , the habitual risk, the social risk and the service risk." 研究結果顯示:消費者關於高新技術產品的知覺風險可分為六個構面,分別為功能風險、價值風險、時間風險、習慣性風險、社會風險和服務風險;

3.Including risk, risk subject, risk factor, risk object, state of risk, risk event etc. 風險,風險主體,風險因素,風險客體,風險狀況,風險事件等。

4.On the basis, the thesis introduces the non-commercial risk' main content: expropriation risk, inconvertibility risk and war risk. 第二章在明晰非商業風險相關概念的基礎上,介紹了非商業風險的主要內容:徵收險、匯兌限制險及戰亂險。

5.According to its different sources, interest rate risk may be classified into repricing risk, yield curve risk, basis risk and optionality. 利率風險按照來源的不同,可以分為重新定價風險、收益率曲線風險、基準風險和期權性風險。


Mrs.Anne Sterling did not think of the risk she was taking when she ran through a forest after two men. - 安。斯特林夫人在穿過森林追趕兩個男人時,她並沒有考慮到所冒的風險。

Needless to say, the bigger the risk an insurance company takes, the higher the premium you will have to pay. - 不用說,保險公司承擔風險越大,你付的保險費也就越高。

So, faced with the Danish advance, Alfred did not risk open battle but harried the enemy. - 因此,面對丹麥人的進攻,阿爾弗雷德沒有貿然同敵人作戰,而是採用騷擾敵人的戰術。

For this reason there is no risk to the customer in the practice, - 因此,這種做法對儲戶毫無風險。

In this case, you'd probably construct a portfolio with some shares(but not high risk ones), along with gilts, cash deposits, - 在這種情況下,你大概想制定出一份包括某些股份(但不是風險很大的股份)的投資組合,同時還有高度可靠的證券、現金儲蓄,

The golden rule here is spread your risk -- - 分散你的投資風險。


risk factor - 危險度

leukemia risk estimate - 原爆倖存者白血病發病危險度的估

multiple risk factor intervention trial - 多危險因子干涉試驗

defy death; risk ones life - 拚命

source related risk assessment - 源相關的危害分析

n. fire risk rating - 火災率

risk estimate - 輻射誘發的乳腺癌危險度的估計

total risk due to radiation - 輻射誘發的癌症的總危險度

risk estimate for - 輻射誘發的骨惡性腫瘤危險度的估算

high risk pregnancy - 高危妊娠

high risk pregnant unit - 高危妊娠病房

high risk fetus - 高危胎兒

high risk guoup - 高危險人群


n.歸因危險度 - attributable risk

歸因危險百分率 - attributable risk percent

n.歸因危險度 - attributive risk

發癌率 - cancer risk

癌危險率 - cancer risk rate

n.由診斷X射線誘發的癌症的危險度 - caner risk

發癌危險 - carcinogenic risk

相對危險性,相對風險 - comparative risk

損害風險標準,耐受度 - damage risk criteria

爆炸危險 - explosion risk

造傳危險,遺傳危險 - genetic risk

好風險,好冒險 - good risk

n.危險性分級 - grade of risk

保健風險 - health risk

保健風險分析 - health risk analysis

高風險 - high risk

處於高危險的小孩 - high risk child

n.高危胎兒 - high risk fetus

n.高危險人群 - high risk guoup

n.高危妊娠 - high risk pregnancy

n.高危妊娠病房 - high risk pregnant unit

可保風險,保險風險 - insurable risk

n.原爆倖存者白血病發病危險度的估 - leukemia risk estimate

患病風險 - morbid risk

患病風險 - morbidity risk

n.多危險因子干涉試驗 - multiple risk factor intervention trial

n.手術危險性 - operative risk

冒險而動 - person with high risk of cancer

身體危險 - physical risk

予後不良,經不起風險 - poor risk

高危早產兒 - poor risk baby

人口歸因危險百分率 - population attributable risk percent

人口相對危險度 - population relative risk

n.輻射危險 - radiation risk

n.復發危險率 - recurrence risk

n.相對危險性 - relative risk

n.源相關的危害分析 - source related risk assessment

標化危險率,標準危險率 - standard risk

標準下危險率 - substandard risk

手術危險性 - surgical risk

n.總危險度 - trace risk

n.原爆倖存者的各種腫瘤 - total cancer risk

n.總的輻射致癌危險度 - total risk

n.輻射誘發的癌症的總危險度 - total risk due to radiation

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