





n. john rock ,rock and roll ,rock candy ,stonev. shake ,sway


rock[rɔk]n. 岩石;搖滾樂;暗礁vt. 搖動;使搖晃vi. 搖動;搖晃


Rock 洛克;岩石;搖滾樂、搖滾樂音響效果;搖滾樂;rock leather 一種石棉;一種石棉 皮革類英語;College Rock 學院搖滾;校園搖滾;校園搖滾樂;學院派搖滾;igneous rock 火成岩;火成岩 火成岩;點火石;岩漿巖;Art Rock 藝術搖滾;藝術搖滾;藝術搖擺;藝術搖滾 :;


1.Rock is the music of teenage rebellion . 搖擺樂是青少年的反叛音樂。

2.They obtained rock samples from the moon. 他們從月球獲得岩石的樣品。

3.This machine can bore through solid rock. 這台機器能鑽透堅固的岩石。


Some rock 'n' roll. - 一些搖滾樂。

Don't rock the boat. - 不要無事生非,引起眾怒。

I reckon that all rock songs are rubbish. - 我覺得所有的搖滾樂都是垃圾。

His rock music is a little too loud for me. - 他的搖滾樂對我來講太吵了些。

Water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away. - 水滴天天滴不停,石頭最堅也磨損。

Towards evening, the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea. - 天將黑時,小船撞在了一塊礁石上,姑娘跳進了海裡。

He noticed that a river of liquid rock was coming towards him. - 他發現有一股岩漿正向他流過來,

If there had not been a hard layer of rock beneath the soil, they would have completed the job in a few hours. - 如果不是因為土壤下面有一層堅硬的岩石,他們的營救工作僅用幾個小時就可以完成了。

OK, everyone. Less noise, please! Gather round and listen carefully. First we are going to search the beach and the rock pools. Let me remind you what we are looking for: seaweeds, fish, plants, all living things. When you find anything, make a note where - 00在這裡集合,游泳之後再吃午餐。別著急!我們有足夠的時間。

Here were not carvings in the rock but paintings. - 這裡岩石上不是石刻而是繪畫。

There were birds too, with the eyes carved out of the rock and painted white. - 還有一些鳥的眼睛是用石頭刻的,並被塗上白色。


n. rock pressure around underground openings - 地下孔周圍岩石壓力

halite; rock salt - 岩鹽

n. rock drift - 岩石伐

n. rock cutter - 岩石切割機

n. rock pressure - 岩石壓力

n. rock crusher - 岩石壓碎機

n. rock reaction - 岩石反應

n. rock mass classification - 岩石塊分類

n. rock reinforcement - 岩石增強

n. rock mass characteristic - 岩石大的特徵

n. rock dusting - 岩石塵

n. rock dust barrier - 岩石塵網

n. rock bolting - 岩石帶

n. rock excavation - 岩石挖掘

n. rock support - 岩石支承

n. rock breaking - 岩石斷裂

n. rock sample - 岩石樣品

n. rock matrix - 岩石母體

n. rock melting - 岩石熔化

n. rock burst prediction - 岩石爆破預測

n. rock stratigraphy - 岩石策略相圖

n. rock structure - 岩石結構

n. rock joint - 岩石連結

n. rock drilling - 岩石鑽

n. rock borer - 岩石鑽孔機

n. rock anchor - 岩石錨

n. rock facies - 岩石面

n. hot dry rock geothermal well - 乾熱石地熱井

n. hot dry rock technology - 乾熱石地熱技巧

n. hot dry rock geothermal reservoir - 乾熱石地熱貯存

rock mincer - 振動切碎器

rock and roll deafness - 振動性及轟鳴性耳聾

rock grinder - 振動研磨機

n. simulated rock salt brine - 模擬岩石鹽

n. pneumatic rock drill - 氣體石鑽

n. hydraulic rock drill - 液壓岩石鑽

n. hard rock excavation - 硬質石巖開挖


n.石灰岩 - lime rock


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