





n. blockage ,impediment ,impedimenta ,obstacle


obstruction[əb'strʌkʃən, ɔb-]n. 障礙;阻礙;妨礙


obstruction 站在對方帶球方向以圖搶斷;障礙;妨礙;障礙物;intestinal obstruction 腸梗阻;腸阻塞;腸道阻塞;腸physical obstruction 實質障礙;物理阻礙物;binocular obstruction 雙眼障礙;ingluvies obstruction 嗉囊阻塞;


1.The nodules are usually in the periphery and do not cause major obstruction. 此結節通常位於肺組織的周邊部,一般不引起主要的阻塞。

2.Methods The spiral CT manifestations of 28 cases with intestinal mechanical obstruction proved by operation or clinically were analyzed. 方法對28例手術或臨床證實的機械性腸梗阻病員的螺旋CT表現進行分析。

3.Bronchiectasis:ABnormal expansion of Bronchi in the lungs. It usually results when preexisting lung disease causes Bronchial inflammation and obstruction. 支氣管擴張:肺內支氣管的異常擴張。通常源於原有肺部疾患造成支氣管發炎和阻塞。


obstruction of superior vena cava - 上腔靜脈梗阻

obstruction of superior vena cava - 上腔靜脈阻塞

inferior vena cava obstruction syndrome - 下腔靜脈阻塞綜合征

obstruction of cisterma chyli - 乳糜池梗阻

obstruction and rejection - 關格

dynamic obstruction of the urinary tract - 動力性尿路梗阻

right ventricular obstruction lsyndrome - 右心室阻塞性衰竭綜合征

obstruction of pharynx - 咽梗阻

obstruction of the throat - 喉頭梗阻

obstruction of the throat by phlegm - 喉間痰阻

obstruction of oddis sphincter - 奧狄氏括約肌阻塞

obstruction of the lung by cold-phlegm - 寒痰阻肺

feeling of obstruction in the epigastrium - 心下支結

obstruction of the heart-qi - 心痺

acute obstruction of upper respiratory tract - 急性上呼吸道梗阻

removing obstruction and relieving pain - 散結止痛

obstruction type - 梗阻型

obstruction of lymphatic return - 淋巴回流受阻

disperse obstruction on the forehead area - 清疏額頭

post-inflammatory obstruction of portal vein - 炎症後門靜脈梗阻

fourth ventricle obstruction syndrome - 第四腦室梗阻綜合征

obstruction of colon - 結腸梗阻

impairment of hearing; obstruction of external acoustic meatus - 耳竅閉塞

obstruction of the liver-qi; ostruction of the liver-qi - 肝痺

pulmonary artery obstruction pressure - 肺動脈阻塞壓

obstruction of the lung-qi - 肺氣不宣

obstruction of the lung-qi - 肺氣壅塞

kidney-energy stagnation syndrome; obstruction of the kidney channel - 腎痺

obstruction at ureteropelvic junction - 腎盂輸尿管連接處梗阻

obstruction of cystic duct - 膽囊管梗阻

cholecystic duct partial obstruction syndrome - 膽囊管部分梗阻綜合征

intestinal obstruction due to gassstone - 膽石性梗阻

obstruction of bile duct; obstruction of the bile duct - 膽道梗阻

vascular obstruction of the uterine collaterals - 胞脈不通

obstruction of qi in the chest - 胸痺

obstruction of vesicourethral orifice - 膀胱尿道口梗阻

obstruction of bladder - 膀胱梗阻

acute obstruction of afferent loop - 輸入襻急性便阻

chronic obstruction of afferent loop - 輸入襻慢性梗阻

obstruction of afferent loop - 輸入襻梗阻

obstruction of fallopian tube; tuvbal obstruction - 輸卵管堵塞

obstruction factor; obstructive factor - 阻礙因數

obstruction by food - 食痺

obstruction and burning sensation of the nose - 鼻塞灼熱


急性冠動脈閉塞 - acute coronary obstruction

n.輸入襻急性便阻 - acute obstruction of afferent loop

n.急性上呼吸道梗阻 - acute obstruction of upper respiratory tract

n.急性絞窄性腸梗阻 - acute strangulated intestinal obstruction

n.氣道阻塞 - airway obstruction

動脈閉塞症 - artery obstruction

n.蛔蟲腸梗阻 - ascaris intestinal obstruction

n.回流受阻 - backflow obstruction

膽管阻塞,膽道閉塞 - biliary obstruction

n.膽道阻塞 - biliary tract obstruction

膀胱頸梗阻 - bladder neck obstruction

n.膀胱頸梗阻 - bladder-neck obstruction

支氣管阻塞 - bronchial obstruction

n.視網膜中央動脈阻塞 - central retinal artery obstruction

n.膽囊管部分梗阻綜合征 - cholecystic duct partial obstruction syndrome

n.慢性腸梗阻 - chronic intestinal obstruction

n.輸入襻慢性梗阻 - chronic obstruction of afferent loop

n.疤痕性幽門梗阻 - cicatricial pyloric obstruction

n.閉襻性梗阻 - closed loop intestinal obstruction

n.先天性腸梗阻 - congenital intestinal obstruction

n.清疏額頭 - disperse obstruction on the forehead area

n.宣可去壅 - dispersion helps remove obstruction

n.十二指腸梗阻 - duodenal obstruction

n.動力性腸梗阻 - dynamic intestinal obstruction

n.動力性尿路梗阻 - dynamic obstruction of the urinary tract

食管閉塞 - esophageal obstruction

n.肝外膽道梗阻 - extrahepatic biliary obstruction

n.肝外阻塞 - extrahepatic obstruction

外源性輸尿管梗阻 - extrinsic ureteral obstruction

n.假結腸梗阻 - false colonic obstruction

n.心下支結 - feeling of obstruction in the epigastrium

n.食物團腸梗阻 - food bezoar intestinal obstruction

n.異物阻塞 - foreign body obstruction

n.第四腦室梗阻綜合征 - fourth ventricle obstruction syndrome

n.肝靜脈阻塞 - hepatic venous obstruction

n.高位小腸梗阻 - high intestinal obstruction

n.淋巴管梗阻 - hymphatic obstruction

n.特發性肺靜脈梗阻 - idiopathic pulmonary venous obstruction

n.不完全性腸梗阻 - incomplete intestinal obstruction

n.不完全梗阻,不完全骨折 - incomplete obstruction

n.下腔靜脈阻塞綜合征 - inferior vena cava obstruction syndrome

n.腸梗阻 - intestinal obstruction

n.膽石性梗阻 - intestinal obstruction due to gassstone

內因性尿路阻塞,內在輸尿管阻塞 - intrinsic ureteral obstruction

n.缺血性腸梗阻 - ischemic intestinal obstruction

n.空腸梗阻 - jejunal obstruction

n.喉阻塞 - laryngeal obstruction

n.低位小腸梗阻 - low position intestinal obstruction

n.淋巴管閉塞,淋巴管阻塞 - lymphatic obstruction

n.機械性梗阻 - mechanical obstruction


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